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Xiaohu Li wrote:


    Either of these are possible.  Have you tried (1) different
    parameters or (2)
    longer simulations?  If the model does not reproduce the experiment,
    it is not a
    very good model...

What about those files evisco.xvg, eviscoi.xvg and visco.xvg? which one could be the correct file to look at?

Look into the source to see how each is calculated; evisco.xvg and eviscoi.xvg are related to the Einstein relation (function einstein_visco in src/tools/gmx_energy.c), presumably visco.xvg (function analyse_ener) is from Green-Kubo, but do check yourself.

I'm using OPLS-AA force field, the density and enthalpy of evaporation are both reasonably reproduced. However, kinetic studies using OPLS-AA on ionic liquid seems scarce(or I know little enough to not aware of what has been done).

Then you may want to do a bit more homework on your potential model. I don't do ionic liquid simulations, but I certainly know there are plenty of published papers out there.

     > Since it is not getting any useful result, I turned to
     > MD by applying a shear external force, which is in (2)
     > (2) I tried both NVT and NPT simulations which uses berendsen
     > bath. and set up the cos_acceleration = 0.1 nm/ps^2.
     > However, I tried to use g_energy -f *edr -s *tpr and by selecting
     > the 1/Viscosity or 2CosZ*Vel-X option, the output are giving me zero
     > data points on all times.

    This could be related to a bug that was fixed just a few days ago.
     Try pulling
the latest stable release from git and trying again.
That sounds like a solution, can you provide a link?

Pull the stable version.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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