On 12/02/2011 12:51 PM, Rini Gupta wrote:

Hello Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

I tried to first make a box using editconf
editconf_d_mpi -f conf.gro -o be.gro -bt cubic -box 2.7 2.7 2.7

Box is successfully created and then I use

genbox_d_mpi -cp be.gro -p topol.top -ci be.gro -nmol 19 -o out.gro

still, I am getting only one BE molecule instead of 19.

Hmm that's strange. What was the terminal output?


What can I do now? Is there possibilty that my .gro file is not correct.

Best Regards,

On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 06:58:49 +0530 wrote

On 12/02/2011 7:51 AM, Rini Gupta wrote:
Dear gmx users,

I am using gromacs (version 4.0.7)

to setup a 2-butoxyethanol-water simulation.

I created topology and coordinate file (.pdb) for BE using

It created a topology file (for united atom) compatible with
GROMOS ffG53a6 forcefield.

I want to generate a box containing 20 BE and 480 water molecules

genbox but it fails to do so. It generates a box only with 1 BE
instead of 20 but successfully adding requested no. of water

I used the following command:

genbox_d_mpi -cp conf.gro -cs spc216.gro -p topol.top -box 2.7 2.7
2.7 -ci conf.gro -nmol 19 -maxsol 480 -o out.gro

Then I got the mesaage:

Reading solute configuration


Containing 9 atoms in 1 residues

Initialising van der waals distances...

Reading molecule configuration


Containing 9 atoms in 1 residue

Initialising van der waals distances...

Try 5699

Added 0 molecules (out of 19 requested) of G2

Reading solvent configuration


solvent configuration contains 648 atoms in 216 residues

Initialising van der waals distances...

Will generate new solvent configuration of 2x2x2 boxes

Generating configuration

Sorting configuration

Found 1 molecule type:

SOL ( 3 atoms): 1728 residues

Calculating Overlap...

box_margin = 0.315

Removed 1992 atoms that were outside the box

Neighborsearching with a cut-off of 0.45

Table routines are used for coulomb: FALSE

Table routines are used for vdw: FALSE

Cut-off's: NS: 0.45 Coulomb: 0.45 LJ: 0.45

System total charge: 0.000

Grid: 8 x 8 x 8 cells

Succesfully made neighbourlist

nri = 10648, nrj = 270745

Checking Protein-Solvent overlap: tested 509 pairs, removed 72

Checking Solvent-Solvent overlap: tested 39413 pairs, removed 738

Added 480 molecules

Generated solvent containing 1440 atoms in 480 residues

Writing generated configuration to out.gro

While searching through mailing list I tried to do this in two
separate steps i.e. but using -ci -nmol option and then solvating
the box using -cs spc216.gro, but problem remain the same.

I also tried increasing -try option and increasing the box size
but still it is creating box with only one solute BE instead od

You're definitely trying to do too many things in one operation. I

1. Use editconf to define a suitably big box around a single BE

2. Use genbox -ci -nmol 19

3. Use genbox -cs -cp

Or use genconf -shuffle to replace 1 and 2 (but this is less random)


Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong here.

I using following topology file:

[ moleculetype ]

; Name nrexcl

G269 3

[ atoms ]

; nr type resnr resid atom cgnr charge mass total_charge

1 OE 1 G2 OE 1 -0.345 15.9994

2 CH2 1 G2 C 1 0.151 14.0270

3 CH2 1 G2 C 1 0.194 14.0270 ; 0.000

4 CH2 1 G2 C 2 0.231 14.0270

5 OA 1 G2 O 2 -0.617 15.9994

6 H 1 G2 H 2 0.386 1.0080 ; 0.000

7 CH2 1 G2 C 3 -0.035 14.0270

8 CH2 1 G2 C 3 0.143 14.0270

9 CH3 1 G2 CA 3 -0.108 15.0350 ; -0.000

; total charge of the molecule: 0.000

[ bonds ]

; ai aj funct c0 c1

1 2 2 0.1430 8.1800e+06

1 3 2 0.1430 8.1800e+06

2 4 2 0.1520 5.4300e+06

3 7 2 0.1520 5.4300e+06

4 5 2 0.1430 8.1800e+06

5 6 2 0.1000 2.3200e+07

7 8 2 0.1530 7.1500e+06

8 9 2 0.1530 7.1500e+06

[ pairs ]

; ai aj funct ; all 1-4 pairs but the ones excluded in GROMOS itp

1 5 1

1 8 1

2 6 1

2 7 1

3 4 1

3 9 1

[ angles ]

; ai aj ak funct angle fc

2 1 3 2 109.50 380.00

1 2 4 2 109.50 320.00

1 3 7 2 109.50 320.00

2 4 5 2 111.00 530.00

4 5 6 2 108.53 443.00

3 7 8 2 111.00 530.00

7 8 9 2 111.00 530.00

[ dihedrals ]

; GROMOS improper dihedrals

; ai aj ak al funct angle fc

[ dihedrals ]

; ai aj ak al funct ph0 cp mult

3 1 2 4 1 0.00 1.26 3

2 1 3 7 1 0.00 1.26 3

1 2 4 5 1 0.00 2.53 3

1 3 7 8 1 0.00 3.77 3

2 4 5 6 1 0.00 1.26 3

3 7 8 9 1 0.00 3.77 3

[ exclusions ]

; ai aj funct ; GROMOS 1-4 exclusions

Thanks and Regards,



Dr. Rini Gupta

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of British Columbia



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