gromacs564 wrote:
Dear Justin
I download the script "" and input "perl $0 -s b4md.pdb -map hbmap.xpm -index hbond.ndx\n",

but the output info is "Unrecognized switch: -bash (-h will show valid options).";

then,I input "perl\n -s b4md.pdb -map hbmap.xpm -index hbond.ndx\n",and the output info is nothing?

     So, could you tell me the correct usage? Very thanks!

There are protein and sol in b4md.pdb file.The hbond.ndx file only contain the [ hbonds_Protein ] section:
      1      2    603
      1      2    619
      1      2    634
      1      2    635
      1      2   1299
   1942   1943   1917
   1937   1939    113
   1937   1939    114



My simulation system contains protein, dna and water.
I used your script already for obtaining %exist hydrogen bonds between
protein and dna

Then doesn't this imply that you know how to run it? Neither of the above commands is correct. The first uses $0, which is a perl construct for the name of the program. The second contains a newline (\n) character, although the format of this command is what you should use (without the newline, which is printed by the program to the screen as help information).



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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