Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Hi Justin

The two files and are the exact same. What is
worrying me is that when I look at the topol.tpr from gmxdump, my charge
groups do not seem to be specified the way I stated in the topology file.

Can you provide a relevant snippet of the gmxdump output to demonstrate this?

Consecutive numbering is not stated as a requirement in the manual, and if it is in the code, then it needs to be either documented as being necessary, and/or an enhancement request needs to be filed on redmine for non-consecutive charge group numbering.



Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Gavin Melaugh wrote:
Hi all

Do atoms belonging to the same charge group have to be indexed
consecutively in the topology file or can you have the following.

   1       CA       1   CGE        CA       1     -0.1150     12.0110
    2      CB       1   CGE        CB       1      0.0000     12.0110
    3      CA       1   CGE        CA       2     -0.1150     12.0110
    4      CB       1   CGE       :wq
 CB       2      0.0000     12.0110
Assuming you fix this, then yes, splitting charge groups can work. Use grompp -pp to see the post-processed topology to make sure
everything came out as expected.


    5      CA       1   CGE        CA       3     -0.1150     12.0110
    6      CB       1   CGE        CB       3      0.0000     12.0110
    7      HC       1   CGE        HC       1      0.1150      1.0080
    8      CU       1   CGE        CU      13      0.2650     13.0190
    9      NU       1   CGE        NU      13     -0.5970     14.0070
   10      HC       1   CGE        HC       2      0.1150      1.0080
   11      CU       1   CGE        CU      14      0.2650     13.0190
   12      NU       1   CGE        NU      14     -0.5970     14.0070
   13      HC       1   CGE        HC       3      0.1150      1.0080




Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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