Dear users:

I am trying to process a trajectory so that a group of molecules has their center of mass at a constant position in Cartesian space. I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

The reason that I would like this is that I have conducted umbrella sampling of a solute along the normal to a lipid bilayer and I would like to create a movie of a false-trajectory of the immersion profile. Such processing is also important for generating SDFs and for use with g_density.

I expect that the problems that I am having are due to volume fluctuations in the NPT ensemble.

The best idea that I have tried was (gromacs 4.5.3):

trjconv -center -box 10 10 15

where the original dimensions are much less that 10 10 15

But still, when I run g_traj on the processed .gro file I do not get similar values for the COM.

In more detail:

echo 0 | trjconv -s md1.tpr -f md1_50ps_md1.part0001.xtc -o tmp.xtc -e 100000 -pbc mol
# select POPC for centering and System for output and use a .tpr with pbc=no
echo -e "13\n0\n" | trjconv -s empty.tpr -f tmp.xtc -box 10 10 15 -center -pbc none -o tmp2.xtc
# select POPC for coordinate output
echo 13 | g_traj  -s empty.tpr -f tmp2.xtc -ox -com -nopbc

 99550  4.8424  5.00025 7.49519
 99600  4.79691 4.94304 7.39868
 99650  4.75789 4.85189 7.41581
 99700  4.74974 4.80423 7.48257
 99750  5.07858 5.04788 7.51654
 99800  4.99091 4.78976 7.47778
 99850  5.11406 4.84656 7.48769
 99900  5.09739 5.12395 7.47889
 99950  5.0411  4.88659 7.52737
 100000 4.91271 5.07101 7.50397

For Z, the value is 7.48037+/-0.072562 (MIN=7.3 and MAX=7.8)

If I look at the frames from the min and max z values, they do clearly differ in the placement of the bilayer along z.


To simplify things, I redid this while only using the phosphorous atoms (1 per lipid) in the centering and coordinate output.

Here, Z=7.49323+/-0.0658727 (MIN=7.3 and MAX=7.7)

To verify this and since all the atoms have the same mass, I checked it with awk:

echo 0 | trjconv -s empty.tpr -f tmp2.xtc -dump 47550 -b 40000 -o look_low.gro
echo 0 | trjconv -s empty.tpr -f tmp2.xtc -dump 80750 -b 80000 -o look_high.gro
cat look_low.gro|grep P8|awk '{s+=$NF;n++} END{print s/n}'
cat look_high.gro|grep P8|awk '{s+=$NF;n++} END{print s/n}'


Finally, I rechecked with a single atom and here it worked exactly as expected. The atoms is placed at 5 5 7.5 in every single frame.


Then I checked using 2 phosphorous atoms from the same (or, separately, different) leaflets, and the result was the same:

$ tail coord.xvg
 99550  5       5       7.5
 99600  5       5.0005  7.5
 99650  5.0005  5.0005  7.5005
 99700  5       5.0005  7.5
 99750  5.0005  5       7.5005
 99800  5       5.0005  7.5005
 99850  5       5       7.5005
 99900  5.0005  5       7.5005
 99950  5.0005  5       7.4995
 100000 5       5       7.5

Then using 3 phosphorous atoms from (containing atoms from both leaflets), and now there is more deviation:

$ tail coord.xvg
 99550  5.48833 5.30233 6.972
 99600  5.48733 5.29233 6.97167
 99650  5.50033 5.29567 6.93467
 99700  5.52133 5.27433 6.93967
 99750  5.489   5.253   6.99133
 99800  5.481   5.319   6.91533
 99850  5.47867 5.309   6.827
 99900  5.48733 5.292   6.83133
 99950  5.52767 5.27    6.86867
 100000 5.518   5.319   6.89167

(MIN=6.7 and MAX=7.1)

I originally had problems with pbc during trjconv in which the -center option would place the bilayer at the peripheries of the unit cell in some frames (COM should still be at the center). This is what lead me to the route that I have used above (a .tpr that was generated with pbc=no and trjconv -pbc none -center). Nevertheless, I think that perhaps trjconv is using pbc information even in this case where ti should not.


If anybody can see what I am doing wrong or has a method to center a bilayer at a cartesian coordinate, then I am very interested.

Thank you for your time,

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