
I am sorry for changing the topic. It was not intentional
It just came as I wanted to mention the other part of the
problem that data had.
I have checked the entire file of the gmxdump output
of ener.edr firl for Box dimention as well as Temp.

With Regards
M. Kavyashree

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <> wrote:

> Kavyashree M wrote:
>> Sir,
>> I went through the whole .edr file for one
>> specific term in which I was getting nan.
>> Of the three columns (Energy; Av. Energy; Sum Energy)
>> order (power) for temperature did not change at all in the
>> first column but in the second column there was a change of
>> power between +1 and +2 which was +2 in another .edr file from
>> other simulation.
>> ven though the second column value is arround 1--e+02 while
>> those with +1 power is around 9.--e+01 which is quite near to
>> 1.--e+02.
>> But I did not find any huge changes in the temperature.
> Per my previous message, please focus on the issue at hand.  I do not
> recall the specifics of the issue with temperature and I'm not going to go
> digging through the archive for messages scattered over many days.  You
> started this thread regarding box vectors, for which we have the data below
> in the thread.  Please keep the discussion focused.  If you jump around
> between ideas with somewhat abstract descriptions, no one is going to be
> interested in troubleshooting.  If you want free help, make it easy to help
> you.
> If you have something relevant to post regarding box vectors, please do so,
> otherwise, if you want to investigate a different issue please give it
> proper context (new thread or including information from the old thread).
> Actual output would be useful, although I realize that may be too large of
> a message to send across the list, so snippets that illustrate anything
> useful would be appropriate.
> -Justin
>  Thank you
>> With Regards
>> M. Kavyashree
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Kavyashree M < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    Sir,
>>    I tried it already but It was huge file. this kind of nan comes only
>>    for RMSD not for any other term. I will try looking into that file
>>    again.
>>    Thanks
>>    With regards
>>    M. Kavyashree
>>    On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <
>>    <>> wrote:
>>        Kavyashree M wrote:
>>            Sir,
>>            I am sorry I did not get any mail for that query since I
>>            posted it.
>>            So I had to ask once again..
>>            1. g_energy -f ener.edr -o  box.xvg
>>               selecting 15 16 17 0
>>            2. gmxcheck -e ener.edr
>>              Opened ener.edr as single precision energy file
>>              frame:      0 (index      0), t:      0.000          Last
>>            energy frame read 50000 time 100000.000
>>  Found 50001 frames with a timestep of 2 ps.
>>            3. Gromacs version 4.5.3
>>            This is the same data where I was mentioning that I
>>            was getting "not a number"  (nan) error for all
>>            energy calculations under RMSD section.
>>        I've said several times before that this energy file is probably
>>        junk, and again I'd suspect that.  The only thing to check would
>>        be to run gmxdump on the .edr file (and redirect into some
>>        output file or pipe the output through "more" to actually see
>>        it) and see where the energy values go screwy.  If you find a
>>        bunch of nonsensical information, then you have your answer.
>>        -Justin
>>            Thank you fro answering.
>>            With Regards
>>            M. Kavyashree
>>            On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Justin A. Lemkul
>>            < <>
>>            < <>>> wrote:
>>               Kavyashree M wrote:
>>                   Dear users,
>>                   Any suggestions?
>>               You haven't provided nearly enough diagnostic information
>>            for anyone
>>               to offer you any useful help (as Mark said yesterday).
>>             For example,
>>               please provide:
>>               1. Your exact g_energy command line
>>               2. The output of gmxcheck for this .edr file
>>               3. Your Gromacs version
>>               -Justin
>>                   Thank you
>>                   M. Kavyashree
>>                   On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Kavyashree M
>>                   < <>
>>            < <>>
>>                   < <>
>>            < <>>>> wrote:
>>                      Dear users,
>>                       In one of the simulations while calculating box
>>            dimensions
>>                      using g_energy this output was obtained -
>>                      Statistics over 50000001 steps [ 0.0000 through
>>            100000.0000
>>                   ps ], 3
>>                      data sets
>>                      All statistics are over 1978700 points
>>                      Energy                      Average   Err.Est.
>>            RMSD
>>                    Tot-Drift
>>                                        ------------------------------**
>> ____--------------------------**--__--__-------------------
>>                      Box-X                     0.0453229        1.8
>>        0.637535             -9.93022  (nm)
>>                      Box-Y                     0.0453229        1.8
>>        0.637535             -9.93022  (nm)
>>                      Box-Z                     0.0320482        1.3
>>        0.450805             -7.02173  (nm)
>>                      but the dimensions of the box is different. plot
>>            attached.
>>                      I am not able to figure out why only 1978700 data
>>            point are
>>                   considered.
>>                      Kindly give some suggestions.
>>                      Thank you
>>                      with regards
>>                      M.Kavyashree
>>               --     ==============================**____==========
>>               Justin A. Lemkul
>>               Ph.D. Candidate
>>               ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>               MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>               Department of Biochemistry
>>               Virginia Tech
>>               Blacksburg, VA
>>               jalemkul[at] <> <> |
>>            (540) 231-9080
>>                          http://www.bevanlab.biochem.__**__
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>>        MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>        Department of Biochemistry
>>        Virginia Tech
>>        Blacksburg, VA
>>        jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080
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> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
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