Dear Friends,

I want to measure some data of a special residue, for instance TRP143, from my 
MD result. But i encountered a problem. 

The residue number 143 is ordered in .gro file, while it seems the residue 
orders is random in gromacs. It points to another residue when I specify 
residue number 143 in VMD or when I am using make_ndx program ( --> r 143; q). 
Apparently, gromacs numbering system is not based on the orders in the .gro 
structure file. 

Does anybody know how to link the gromacs order to the structure file's order 

Thank you in advance,


    Jiangfeng Du, PhD Student
    Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht
    Department of Biochemistry
    P.O. Box 616
    Mobile: +31-681741859
    FAX: +31-43-3884159
    6200 MD Maastricht
    The Netherlands--
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