Thank you Vedat!!!

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:35 PM, vedat durmaz <> wrote:

> **
> hi jan/steven (?),
> you should know, in contrast to let's say justin lemkul, i haven't that
> much experience with molecular simulations!
> actually, i don't expect large differences in conformational/statistical
> properties depending on the usage of lincs constraints. usually i use them
> when simulating target ligand systems with explicit solvent in order to
> save time. for these large systems (in the order of 100,000 atoms), i set
> emtol to about 300.
> however, for this small peptide (33AA) i refrained from constraints and
> set emtol to 5 which is achieved quite quickly. for a large protein with
> implicit solvent i would probably set emtol to 50 or something like that.
> according to your strange results:
> i remember, i didn't do the energy minimization of the small peptide on
> our computing cluster but on my local machine (six cpu-cores) with
> gromacs-4.5.5 (no mpich, but openmpi). besides, i parameterized my peptide
> using acpype (amber99sb force field) and didn't use editconf (didn't set
> any box)! i just grompped the system and did the mdrun like
> grompp -f ../em.mdp -c ../peptide.pdb -p ../ -o em.tpr
> mdrun -v -deffnm em
> and that's all .. 4 cores were used by mdrun.
> hope, that helps
> vedat
> Am 28.02.2012 17:56, schrieb Steven Neumann:
>  I run energy minimization of my protein with implicit solvent:
>>  constraints = none
>> integrator = steep
>> dt = 0.001 ; ps
>> nsteps = 30000
>> vdwtype = cut-off
>> coulombtype = cut-off
>> pbc = no
>> nstlist = 0
>> ns_type = simple
>> rlist = 0 ; this means all-vs-all (no cut-off),
>> which gets expensive for bigger systems
>> rcoulomb = 0
>> rvdw = 0
>> comm-mode = angular
>> comm-grps = Protein
>> optimize_fft = yes
>> ;
>> ; Energy minimizing stuff
>> ;
>> emtol =
>> 5.0
>> emstep = 0.01
>> ;
>> ; Implicit solvent
>> ;
>> implicit_solvent = GBSA
>> gb_algorithm = OBC
>> nstgbradii = 1
>> rgbradii = 0 ; [nm] Cut-off for the calculation of the
>> Born radii. Currently must be equal to rlist
>> gb_epsilon_solvent = 80 ; Dielectric constant for the implicit solvent
>> ; gb_saltconc = 0 ; Salt concentration for implicit solvent
>> models, currently not used
>> sa_algorithm = Ace-approximation
>> sa_surface_tension = 2.25936
> And I obtained:
> Steepest Descents:
> Tolerance (Fmax) = 1.00000e+03
> Number of steps = 30000
> Step Time Lambda
> 0 0.00000 0.00000
>  Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 1000 in 1 steps
> Potential Energy = inf
> Maximum force = 0.0000000e+00 on atom 0
> Norm of force = nan
> Can you please explain?
> Steven
>   On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Vedat Durmaz <> wrote:
>>> actually, as far as i know, the -DFLEXIBLE argument has no effect on
>>> simulations without explicit water ?!
>>> i just copied the "define" line from my explicit simulation systems ..
>>> so, the only define value, that has a meaning is -DPOSRESHELIX.
>>> i didn't use constraints for the first time in my life since implicit
>>> solvent simulations incorporate a much smaller number of atoms and are
>>> therefore not that expensive computationally. i always use this setting for
>>> my explicit simulations only in order to increase the step size to 2fs with
>>> a clear conscience ...
>>> best wishes
>>> vedat
>>> Am 28.02.2012 15:18, schrieb Steven Neumann:
>>> Thank you all!
>>> How about -DFLEXIBLE in both em and md?
>>> Steven
>>>  On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Justin A. Lemkul <>wrote:
>>>> lina wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:07 PM, Steven Neumann <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Vedat!
>>>>>> Why do you use -DFLEXIBLE in md and in em?
>>>>>> Why dont you use constraint algorithm (LINCS) in your simulation?
>>>>> Otherwise, the system is easily explode with lots of LINCS warning.
>>>>  A system that is unstable will cause the LINCS algorithm to fail, but
>>>> turning off constraints does not prevent a system from becoming unstable or
>>>> crashing.
>>>> -Justin
>>>> Also thanks Vedat for sharing,
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Steven
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Vedat Durmaz <> wrote:
>>>>>>> hi steven,
>>>>>>> i've been simulating a 33 AA peptide for the past two days using
>>>>>>> implicent
>>>>>>> solvent in order to achieve a proper folding.
>>>>>>> i haven't added counterions, however, the systems shows nice results
>>>>>>> according to what i've expected. the mdrun command (for the
>>>>>>> extension) for
>>>>>>> our hardware looks as follows:
>>>>>>> mpiexec -np 4 mdrun -pd -s md.tpr -append -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md 2>&1
>>>>>>> and here's the mdp file for the energy minimization:
>>>>>>> define              =  -DFLEXIBLE
>>>>>>> constraints         =  none
>>>>>>> integrator          =  steep
>>>>>>> dt                  =  0.001    ; ps
>>>>>>> nsteps              =  30000
>>>>>>> vdwtype             =  cut-off
>>>>>>> coulombtype         =  cut-off
>>>>>>> pbc                 =  no
>>>>>>> nstlist             =  0
>>>>>>> ns_type             =  simple
>>>>>>> rlist               =  0       ; this means all-vs-all (no cut-off),
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> gets expensive for bigger systems
>>>>>>> rcoulomb            =  0
>>>>>>> rvdw                =  0
>>>>>>> comm-mode           =  angular
>>>>>>> comm-grps           =  Protein
>>>>>>> optimize_fft        =  yes
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> ;       Energy minimizing stuff
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> emtol               =  5.0
>>>>>>> emstep              =  0.01
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> ; Implicit solvent
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
>>>>>>> gb_algorithm        =  Still ; HCT ; OBC
>>>>>>> nstgbradii          =  1
>>>>>>> rgbradii            =  0   ; [nm] Cut-off for the calculation of the
>>>>>>> Born
>>>>>>> radii. Currently must be equal to rlist
>>>>>>> gb_epsilon_solvent  =  80    ; Dielectric constant for the implicit
>>>>>>> solvent
>>>>>>> ; gb_saltconc       =  0     ; Salt concentration for implicit
>>>>>>> solvent
>>>>>>> models, currently not used
>>>>>>> sa_algorithm        =  Ace-approximation
>>>>>>> sa_surface_tension  = -1
>>>>>>> and for the md run:
>>>>>>> define              =  -DPOSRESHELIX ; -DFLEXIBLE -DPOSRES
>>>>>>> constraints         =  none
>>>>>>> integrator          =  md
>>>>>>> dt                  =  0.001   ; ps
>>>>>>> nsteps              =  1000000000 ; 100000 ps = 100 ns
>>>>>>> nstcomm             =  10
>>>>>>> nstcalcenergy       =  10
>>>>>>> nstxout             =  1000     ; frequency to write coordinates to
>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>> trajectory
>>>>>>> nstvout             =  0       ; frequency to write velocities to
>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>> trajectory; the last velocities are always written
>>>>>>> nstfout             =  0       ; frequency to write forces to output
>>>>>>> trajectory
>>>>>>> nstlog              =  1000         ; frequency to write energies to
>>>>>>> log
>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>> nstenergy           =  1000     ; frequency to write energies to edr
>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>> vdwtype             =  cut-off
>>>>>>> coulombtype         =  cut-off
>>>>>>> pbc                 =  no
>>>>>>> nstlist             =  0
>>>>>>> ns_type             =  simple
>>>>>>> rlist               =  0       ; this means all-vs-all (no cut-off),
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> gets expensive for bigger systems
>>>>>>> rcoulomb            =  0
>>>>>>> rvdw                =  0
>>>>>>> comm-mode           =  angular
>>>>>>> comm-grps           =  system
>>>>>>> optimize_fft        =  yes
>>>>>>> ; V-rescale temperature coupling is on
>>>>>>> Tcoupl              =  v-rescale
>>>>>>> tau_t               =  0.1
>>>>>>> tc_grps             =  system
>>>>>>> ref_t               =  300
>>>>>>> ; Pressure coupling is off
>>>>>>> Pcoupl              =  no
>>>>>>> ; Generate velocites is on
>>>>>>> gen_vel             =  yes
>>>>>>> gen_temp            =  300
>>>>>>> gen_seed            =  -1
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> ; Implicit solvent
>>>>>>> ;
>>>>>>> implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
>>>>>>> gb_algorithm        =  Still ; HCT ; OBC
>>>>>>> nstgbradii          =  1
>>>>>>> rgbradii            =  0   ; [nm] Cut-off for the calculation of the
>>>>>>> Born
>>>>>>> radii. Currently must be equal to rlist
>>>>>>> gb_epsilon_solvent  =  80    ; Dielectric constant for the implicit
>>>>>>> solvent
>>>>>>> ; gb_saltconc       =  0     ; Salt concentration for implicit
>>>>>>> solvent
>>>>>>> models, currently not used
>>>>>>> sa_algorithm        =  Ace-approximation
>>>>>>> sa_surface_tension  = -1
>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>> vedat
>>>>>>> Am 28.02.2012 11:59, schrieb Steven Neumann:
>>>>>>> Dear Gmx Users,
>>>>>>>> I am using Gromacs 4.5.4 and I would like to implement implicit
>>>>>>>> solvent
>>>>>>>> for folding of my protein. I read mailing list and it is still
>>>>>>>> confusing for
>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>> Is it proper to use counterions within the system? If not, how can I
>>>>>>>> obtain netral system?
>>>>>>>> Do we use cut off for vdw and coulombic interactions?
>>>>>>>> What kind of integrator should be used with a timestep?
>>>>>>>> I will appreciate an mdp file for protein folding! Thank you
>>>>>>>> Steven
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>>>>  ========================================
>>>> Justin A. Lemkul
>>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>>> MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>>> Department of Biochemistry
>>>> Virginia Tech
>>>> Blacksburg, VA
>>>> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080 <%28540%29%20231-9080>
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