Hi Mark,
these are the involved residues extracted by the .top (CSA and CSB are
cysteines with modified partial charges):

; residue  62 CSB rtp CSB  q -0.5
  1010        NH1     62    CSB      N   1010      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot 0.53
  1011          H     62    CSB     HN   1011       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot 0.84
  1012        CT1     62    CSB     CA   1012       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot 0.91
  1013         HB     62    CSB     HA   1013       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot 1
  1014        CT2     62    CSB     CB   1014      -0.05     12.011   ;
qtot 0.95
  1015         HA     62    CSB    HB1   1015      0.051      1.008   ;
qtot 1.001
  1016         HA     62    CSB    HB2   1016      0.051      1.008   ;
qtot 1.052
  1017          S     62    CSB     SG   1017      -0.57      32.06   ;
qtot 0.482
  1018          C     62    CSB      C   1018       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot 0.992
  1019          O     62    CSB      O   1019      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot 0.482
; residue  65 CSA rtp CSA  q -0.3
  1043        NH1     65    CSA      N   1043      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot 0.012
  1044          H     65    CSA     HN   1044       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot 0.322
  1045        CT1     65    CSA     CA   1045       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot 0.392
  1046         HB     65    CSA     HA   1046       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot 0.482
  1047        CT2     65    CSA     CB   1047      -0.03     12.011   ;
qtot 0.452
  1048         HA     65    CSA    HB1   1048       0.08      1.008   ;
qtot 0.532
  1049         HA     65    CSA    HB2   1049       0.08      1.008   ;
qtot 0.612
  1050          S     65    CSA     SG   1050      -0.39      32.06   ;
qtot 0.222
  1051          C     65    CSA      C   1051       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot 0.732
  1052          O     65    CSA      O   1052      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot 0.222
; residue 112 ASN rtp ASN  q  0.0
  1006        NH1    112    ASN      N   1006      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot -4.732
  1007          H    112    ASN     HN   1007       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot -4.422
  1008        CT1    112    ASN     CA   1008       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot -4.352
  1009         HB    112    ASN     HA   1009       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1010        CT2    112    ASN     CB   1010      -0.18     12.011   ;
qtot -4.442
  1011         HA    112    ASN    HB1   1011       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.352
  1012         HA    112    ASN    HB2   1012       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1013         CC    112    ASN     CG   1013       0.55     12.011   ;
qtot -3.712
  1014          O    112    ASN    OD1   1014      -0.55     15.999   ;
qtot -4.262
  1015        NH2    112    ASN    ND2   1015      -0.62     14.007   ;
qtot -4.882
  1016          H    112    ASN   HD21   1016       0.32      1.008   ;
qtot -4.562
  1017          H    112    ASN   HD22   1017        0.3      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1018          C    112    ASN      C   1018       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot -3.752
  1019          O    112    ASN      O   1019      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot -4.262
; residue 114 ILE rtp ILE  q  0.0
  1041        NH1    114    ILE      N   1041      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot -4.732
  1042          H    114    ILE     HN   1042       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot -4.422
  1043        CT1    114    ILE     CA   1043       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot -4.352
  1044         HB    114    ILE     HA   1044       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1045        CT1    114    ILE     CB   1045      -0.09     12.011   ;
qtot -4.352
  1046         HA    114    ILE     HB   1046       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1047        CT3    114    ILE    CG2   1047      -0.27     12.011   ;
qtot -4.532
  1048         HA    114    ILE   HG21   1048       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.442
  1049         HA    114    ILE   HG22   1049       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.352
  1050         HA    114    ILE   HG23   1050       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1051        CT2    114    ILE    CG1   1051      -0.18     12.011   ;
qtot -4.442
  1052         HA    114    ILE   HG11   1052       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.352
  1053         HA    114    ILE   HG12   1053       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1054        CT3    114    ILE     CD   1054      -0.27     12.011   ;
qtot -4.532
  1055         HA    114    ILE    HD1   1055       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.442
  1056         HA    114    ILE    HD2   1056       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.352
  1057         HA    114    ILE    HD3   1057       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -4.262
  1058          C    114    ILE      C   1058       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot -3.752
  1059          O    114    ILE      O   1059      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot -4.262
; residue 607 CSB rtp CSB  q -0.5
  9693        NH1    607    CSB      N   9693      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot -3.248
  9694          H    607    CSB     HN   9694       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot -2.938
  9695        CT1    607    CSB     CA   9695       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot -2.868
  9696         HB    607    CSB     HA   9696       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -2.778
  9697        CT2    607    CSB     CB   9697      -0.05     12.011   ;
qtot -2.828
  9698         HA    607    CSB    HB1   9698      0.051      1.008   ;
qtot -2.777
  9699         HA    607    CSB    HB2   9699      0.051      1.008   ;
qtot -2.726
  9700          S    607    CSB     SG   9700      -0.57      32.06   ;
qtot -3.296
  9701          C    607    CSB      C   9701       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot -2.786
  9702          O    607    CSB      O   9702      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot -3.296
; residue 610 CSA rtp CSA  q -0.3
  9732        NH1    610    CSA      N   9732      -0.47     14.007   ;
qtot -3.766
  9733          H    610    CSA     HN   9733       0.31      1.008   ;
qtot -3.456
  9734        CT1    610    CSA     CA   9734       0.07     12.011   ;
qtot -3.386
  9735         HB    610    CSA     HA   9735       0.09      1.008   ;
qtot -3.296
  9736        CT2    610    CSA     CB   9736      -0.03     12.011   ;
qtot -3.326
  9737         HA    610    CSA    HB1   9737       0.08      1.008   ;
qtot -3.246
  9738         HA    610    CSA    HB2   9738       0.08      1.008   ;
qtot -3.166
  9739          S    610    CSA     SG   9739      -0.39      32.06   ;
qtot -3.556
  9740          C    610    CSA      C   9740       0.51     12.011   ;
qtot -3.046
  9741          O    610    CSA      O   9741      -0.51     15.999   ;
qtot -3.556
; residue 615 NI  rtp NI   q +0.4
  9786         NI    615     NI     NI   9786        0.4    58.6934   ;
qtot -3.926
; residue 616 CN  rtp CN   q -0.5
  9787          C    616     CN     C1   9787       0.11     12.011   ;
qtot -3.816
  9788          N    616     CN     N1   9788      -0.61     14.007   ;
qtot -4.426
; residue 617 CN  rtp CN   q -0.5
  9789          C    617     CN     C1   9789       0.11     12.011   ;
qtot -4.316
  9790          N    617     CN     N1   9790      -0.61     14.007   ;
qtot -4.926
; residue 618 CO  rtp CO   q -0.1
  9791          C    618     CO     C1   9791       0.22     12.011   ;
qtot -4.706
  9792          O    618     CO     O1   9792     -0.294     15.999   ;
qtot -5

While this are the bonds I am referring:

 1017  9786     1
 1050  9786     1
 9700  9786     1
 9739  9786     1
 1012  9786     1 *
 1015  9786     1 *
 1016  9786     1 *
 1045  9786     1 *
 1048  9786     1 *
 1049  9786     1 *
 9695  9786     1 *
 9698  9786     1 *
 9699  9786     1 *
 9734  9786     1 *
 9737  9786     1 *
 9738  9786     1 *
 9786  9787     1
 9786  9789     1
 9786  9791     1

The bonds with the * are what I call fake. i.e the couple 1012  9786
involves a bond between the nickel atom and an hydrogen.
This couple, as well as the other fake couples, disappears in the .tpr file
an interestingly pdb2gmx doesn't signal them.

If the phenomena is not yet known, I can give you the data I used to
generate the .top and .tpr.


Il giorno 21 marzo 2012 16:18, Mark Abraham <mark.abra...@anu.edu.au> ha

>  On 22/03/2012 1:46 AM, francesco oteri wrote:
> Dear gromacs user,
> I noted a strange behavior in topology generation workflow.
>  I have a protein whose active site contains a Ni atom linked to 4 Cys.
> I inserted the 4 bonds by specbonds.dat.   When I run pdb2gmx, I have
> inspected
> the Linking messages and they fit with the expected topology, I mean
> pdb2gmx
> correctly detects the four bonds nickel-sulphur.
> So I run grompp and the topol.tpr has been correctly generated.
>  Then I compared topol.top and topol.tpr bonds and I noticed that in
> topol.top there a lot
> of fake-bonds, i.e Ni-hydrogen, Ni-Carbonium.
> Can you show an example of what you interpret as a fake bond?
> Mark
>  I dumped topol.tpr through gmxdump, and I noticed that these bonds are
> no more present
> and only  "right" bonds are present.
>  So, I am wondering why the fake bonds are inserted in topol.top and how
> grompp detectes
> these bonds.
>  Francesco
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