On 12/04/2012 3:30 PM, priya thiyagarajan wrote:
hello sir,

Thanks for your kind reply..

i am performing final md run for 60molecules ..

after i submitted my job for 5ns, when i analyse the result my run is completed only for 314ps initially..

At this point, you should have looked at your .log file and your stdout and stderr files to see why the simulation stopped, rather than blindly continuing.

then i extende my simulation.. but again it completed only for 500ps.. initially i thought because of queue limit its getting stopped.. but 3rd time i extended my simulation it came for 538ps..

when i analysed my log file it just showing like this

DD  step 268999 load imb.: force  1.5%

           Step           Time         Lambda
         269000      538.00000        0.00000

   Energies (kJ/mol)
G96Angle Proper Dih. Improper Dih. LJ-14 Coulomb-14 9.84673e+03 5.10424e+03 1.80376e+03 2.90591e+03 -2.97052e+03 LJ (SR) Disper. corr. Coulomb (SR) Coul. recip. Potential 9.69125e+04 -1.59583e+03 -7.80231e+05 -3.04364e+04 -6.98661e+05 Kinetic En. Total Energy Temperature Pres. DC (bar) Pressure (bar) 1.17775e+05 -5.80886e+05 2.97568e+02 -1.04033e+02 2.31825e+01
   Constr. rmsd

when i checked my errorfile i got this is because of segmentation fault..

my errorfile showed like this

Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
/var/spool/PBS/mom_priv/jobs/244266.vega.SC <http://244266.vega.SC>: line 11: 26308 Segmentation fault mdrun -s md.tpr -o md3.trr -c md3.pdb -e md3.edr -g md3.log -cpi state2.cpt -cpo state3.cpt -x traj3.xtc -noappend

There should be more descriptive error output somewhere. In any case, you are probably http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Blowing_Up and need to follow the diagnostic advice there.



i searched in archieves but i didnt get the point clearly...

can anyone please help me by explaining that reason for my problem and solve it.

i am waiting for your reply..

pls help me with your valuable answer..

i am using gromacs 4.5.5 version.

thanking you,

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