the order of force field, ligand, target is correct. and usually works fine in explicit solvent simulations.

but i actually do not include the gbsa.itp, since it is defined by the choice of the force field. (as soon as i rename its gbst.itp, grompp says it cannot find that file ..)

but in general: so far, i always used the standard value for the "-a" option of acpype. however, in order to do implicit simulations with amber99sb, which setting (gaff or amber) do i have to use, alan? are both valid?

btw: implicit solvent simulation with the protein only (pdb2gmx &amber99sb parameterized) works fine ..

have a nice weekend

Am 04.05.2012 16:12, schrieb Alan:
Have a look at

There there's a note:

*NB(1):*#include "Ligand.itp" has to be inserted right after ffamber**.itp line and before Protein_*.itp line in /

Are you inserting your gbsa.itp in the *right* place of your top file?


On 4 May 2012 14:14, Vedat Durmaz < <>> wrote:

    thanks justin and alan.

    i also had the suspicion that the error is caused by case
    sensitivity. simply replacing all atom types from lower to upper
    case within the ligand.itp file yields the same error: "missing gb

    using the "--disambiguate" option for the parameterization with
    acpype has exactly no effect. the generated *_GMX.itp file still
    contains the same lower case letters for each atom type. am i
    doing something wrong?

    when using the "-atom amber" option (amber99sb instead of gaff), i
    do get upper case types, which are not always the same as given
    with "-a gaff". however, again, i am told by grompp, that GB
    parameters are missing for 15 atom types. and again, most of
    theese atom types ARE included in the respective gbsa.itp file (in
    share/gromacs/top/amber99sb.ff), but few are not.

    and according to those atom types that are not mentioned in
    grompp's error output: about half of them is listed in gbsa.itp
    while the other ones are not.

    i can't see any correlation between the atom types listed in my
    parameterized molecule's itp-file and the entries in gbsa.itp.

    does anyone have any idea? is there perhaps some other force
    field/database file that is checked apart from gbsa.itp?!

    thanks again,


    Am 04.05.2012 11:23, schrieb Alan:
    Hi there,

    look at 'acpype -h', in particular:

     -g, --disambiguate    disambiguate lower and uppercase atomtypes
    in GMX top


    On 3 May 2012 14:34, Vedat Durmaz <
    <>> wrote:

        hi guys,

        i'm trying to simulate some receptor ligand system with
        implicit solvent using gbsa in order to get a quick folding
        of some tens of N-terminal peptides. this works pretty well
        with the target only applying the amber99sb FF. as soon as i
        try to simulate it together with the ligand which was
        parameterized with acpype (using amber-antechamber), i get
        the following error at the grompp step:

        GB parameter(s) missing or negative for atom type 'cc'
        GB parameter(s) missing or negative for atom type 'n'
        Fatal error:
        Can't do GB electrostatics; the implicit_genborn_params
        section of the forcefield is missing parameters for 15
        atomtypes or they might be negative.

        the atom types in the error output are exactly those listed
        in the [ atom types ] section of the ligand's topology file
        created with acpype/antechamber. however, the atom types
        mentioned here ARE listed in the respective gbsa.itp file
        which looks like this:

        [ implicit_genborn_params ]

        ; atype      sar      st     pi       gbr       hct
        CC           0.172    1      1.554    0.1875    0.72 ; C

        does anybody know how to handle this problem?

        and is there someone that can tell me how (with which
        parameter values) to add GAFF atom types like e.g. "ss",
        "hn", "hx", "os" to the gbsa.itp file?

        thanks in advance and take care

        vedat durmaz

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-- Alan Wilter SOUSA da SILVA, DSc
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