On 30/06/2012 10:18 PM, ms wrote:
On 29/06/12 19:59, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Wouldn't it be nice to create a table of "standard settings" for each
in the gmx documentation (with lit references of course)?

Well, anyone is welcome to submit anything they feel would be useful... ;)

I have considered this in the past, but have rejected the thought every
time it comes to mind. It would be nice if there was a central
repository of such parameters, but then likely a simulation becomes "do
this, not that" with no required thought from the end user.
If you make
simulations a black box, everyone expects them to automatically work
without fail.

Which should be what it has to be in an ideal world :)

Apart from that, it wouldn't mean to make them a black box -quite the opposite. Giving parameters *with* an explanation of them, literature quotes etc. would give tremendous insight to lots of people that often just use "the lab's standard .mdp" and tweak it.

That explanation is already out there - in the literature. Even just reviewing the parameter settings that have been reported to have been used for just one of the force fields distributed with GROMACS, and discussing how relatively effective they have been (when their simulations were probably not converged, probably used algorithms whose properties are not well enough known, and were probably examining different observables) is a massive task - and worth an article in its own right if you could do it. But I suspect there are not enough relevant data points to control for the variation that will exist when people do not completely report their methods (which was routine when I published such a review of 40+ early REMD publications), or do so erroneously (because they copied their methods section from the last paper and didn't change it), never mind details like which GROMACS version was used.

For example, I believe there's no definitive work that establishes that PME works on any of the force fields, nor how accurate its approximation needs to be in order to be effective. Many use PME (and pick its parameters pretty arbitrarily) and it seems to be at least OK, whatever you do. AMBER03 is one of few force fields that were parameterized with PME, and its paper does not fully describe how they used PME (or at all, if I recall correctly). So if you want to use PME, you have to make some stuff up...

As such, I think it is necessary for individuals to approach that task with a specific view of what they are going to simulate and observe. This is hard work, but it's only ever easy to do bad work in science - and sometimes not even that!

This doesn't mean everyone would expect them to work without fail, it would give however a good starting point.

I think it would - for the same reason people just use "the .mdp my boss gave me," which was from their doctoral work 10 years ago.

The other objection I have always had is the continual improvement of
the field. If Gromacs puts out an "official" or "standard" list of what
to do, it is always subject to change and then becomes incumbent upon a
Gromacs contributor to verify its accuracy frequently. My personal fear
is that this becomes an untenable task.

Isn't that however the point of a scientific community -sharing and updating knowledge? We use to rely on papers, but that's far more inefficient than having a centralized repo where we can share and discuss informations.

Then in the case of an error,
someone's whole Ph.D. could go out the window...

I suspect without this even more Ph.D's get wasted -because they don't really know what to do and just crank things together without really getting it. Not all of us have received proper education on MD (I didn't for example -I had to learn everything by myself and I am a total newbie even after a couple years) I mean, at least it gives a good starting point for people.

I think the field is still too immature for there to be a clear best practice one could learn in a "proper education," in the context of lots of different software suites, force fields, observables, chemical systems... Some people struggle in the dark better than others, though...

In the end, I think it's always safe to ask the user to do a bit of
legwork to understand the force field he or she wishes to use. The
knowledge gained from an hour of reading will save a lot of potential

Sure, and in fact I would expect such a page etc. to *start* with literature references and even directly quoting papers when explaining why certain params and not others.

It always should be a case of a) that's how it was parameterized, or b) that's how someone else did it and their results don't look clearly wrong and somehow reflect on what I'm doing. Unfortunately, "c) I made it up", and "d) I copied something blindly" do happen and reviewers are not necessarily any more expert on how to use every force field either... and this phenomenon makes b) a bit suspect, too! Reviewers could certainly be more strict about making people defend their force field and parameter choice.


I would reject any attempt to include such information in the manual
(lest its settings become "official"), but if someone wants to put up a
wiki page on the website with clear warnings and disclaimers, they are
welcome to do so.

I am probably the least qualified person to do so, but I'd enjoy to collaborate.


Just my $0.02.


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