On 26/07/2012 5:32 PM, Antonia Mey wrote:
Hi Gromacs users,
I seem to face some problems with my REMD dynamics.
I follow as much as possible the set up description of: 
Just to summarise:
Alanine dipeptide in explicit water: minimization, nvt, and npt equilibration 
at each temperature of my 24 replicas between 300K and 500K exponentially 
spaced. The box volume is the same for each replica, when I do an nvt 
production run.
I have my inputfiles named md*.mdp, where * goes from 0->24 i produce my tpr 
files successfully.
I run a nvt REMD simulation for 20ns where I swap every 1ps. The resulting  
exchange statistics seem reasonable to me. Here is an example from one of the 
log files:
Replica exchange statistics
Repl  19999 attempts, 10000 odd, 9999 even
Repl  average probabilities:
Repl     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   
14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23
Repl      .32  .32  .33  .32  .34  .35  .35  .37  .36  .38  .37  .39  .39  .40  
.40  .42  .42  .43  .44  .44  .45  .45  .46
Repl  number of exchanges:
Repl     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   
14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23
Repl     3157 3173 3245 3244 3353 3404 3492 3684 3651 3752 3769 3854 3849 4074 
4049 4102 4187 4250 4322 4349 4475 4519 4562
Repl  average number of exchanges:
Repl     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   
14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23
Repl      .32  .32  .32  .32  .34  .34  .35  .37  .37  .38  .38  .39  .38  .41  
.40  .41  .42  .43  .43  .43  .45  .45  .46

all good so far. Now to the analysis where the problem arises:
Here is my post production script in order to extract constant temperature 

You're not the first to make this wrong assumption, but GROMACS actually exchanges coordinates among (sets of) cpus, which write to the same output file, i.e. the trajectories written by mdrun are already at constant temperature. (That's inefficient because you have to re-do the domain decomposition, and is likely an artefact of the pre-existing mdrun -multi functionality from which the REMD implementation derives. I have a private GROMACS version off 4.5.5 that scales better to large processor sets by exchanging only T (and some minor details) and only doing pairwise communication during exchange attempts - however if it sees the light of day, it would be in at least GROMACS 5.0.)

rm -f total.log
        for j in {0..23}
                cat md${j}.log >> total.log
        echo "demuxing replica"
        demux total.log
        trjcat -f *.xtc -demux replica_index.xvg

        echo "now getting the ramachandran diagrams"
        for j in {0..23}
                g_rama -f ${j}_trajout.xtc -s ../../tprInput/md${j}.tpr -o 
This also runs through without any problems...
Now I construct a histogram based on my 6 metstable states in my Ramachandran 
digram, as defined in:

I literally just count how many point in my diagram belong to states 1->6. This 
should give me an estimate of my equilibrium distribution of each state at each 
temperature (if i do the counting for each Ramachandran diagram at each 
temperature). Now here comes the problem:
The probability for each temperature is the same, also the transition rates 
between states at different temperatures changes only very slightly. I have 
taken averages over 10 * 20ns REMD trajectories and my state probabilities look 
much like this:

This behaviour is much too flat if i compare these results to the two papers 
mentioned above.

I'd say your script above ensures this result if your generalized ensemble is equilibrated and converged (which it should be).

  Also at 300K data points from a 40ns equilibrium run were included as well as 
at 500K the same, same states have the same colours. The values for 300K 
correspond to the findings of the two papers. This equilibrium run was started 
from the same mdp file as used for the REMD simulation, but this time just a 
single temperature was run.
Thus I am not able to reproduce my equilibrium distribution from my REMD 
simulations. Below is my sample input file.
Just as a sanity check I also tried to create the the distribution from each 
replica file (i.e not building the continuous temperature trajectory) and I get 
the same result...

Good thought, but I'd double check that :-)

Something else I noticed is that if I do a g_energy -f md0.edr on my output 
files the average temperature I get from these is always that of the input 
trajectory (this seems strange too me)

Yes, by construction.

; Run parameters
integrator      = sd            ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps          = 10000000      ; 20 ns
dt              = 0.002         ; 2 fs
; Output control
nstxout         = 0             ; don't save in trr format
nstvout         = 0             ;
nstxtcout       = 50           ; save xtc every 0.1ps
nstenergy       = 50           ; save energies every 0.1 ps
nstlog          = 2500          ; update log file every 5 ps
; Bond parameters
continuation    = yes           ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs    ; holonomic constraints
constraints     = h-bonds       ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds) 
lincs_iter      = 1             ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order     = 4             ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
ns_type         = grid          ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist         = 5             ; 10 fs
rlist           = 1.0           ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rcoulomb        = 1.0           ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw            = 1.0           ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype     = PME           ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range 
pme_order       = 4             ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing  = 0.16          ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl          = V-rescale     ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps         = System        ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t           = 0.1           ; time constant, in ps
ref_t           = 300           ; reference temperature, one for each group, in 
; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl          = no            ; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc             = xyz           ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr        = EnerPres      ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel         = no            ; continuation
energygrps      = protein water ;
xtc_grps        = Protein
gen_temp        = 300
gen_seed        = -1
ld_seed         = -1

(I also tried md as an integrator. The seed set on different processors always 
seems to be the same somehow..(that should only give me correlations in the 
data i guess)

Meh, chaotic equilibration will take care of that, but the less said about the RNG state preservation in GROMACS 4.x, the better.

  I am not sure if I have to set gen_temp, but some tutorials suggested this, 
so I did)

Just one last note. This is pretty much the first time I am using Gromacs and I 
am obviously overseeing something, which I cannot find. I have written my own 
parallel tempering code before, so I am very familiar with the concepts, just 
not with the Gromacs software.

If the mystery could be solved this would be greatly appreciated, of if more 
information is required I am happy to provide it.

The most likely explanation is that you've somehow not managed to do your analysis on constant-T trajectories.

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