Dear Gromacs users!
I have pdb structure wich I'd like to prepare for my MD simulation. In that case this structure consist of some non-standart residue ( chromophore) wich is covalently bonded to the protein's backbone. The main problem is that this structure has some missing residues on both of the C and N termi wich I'd like to rebuild ussing some homology-building teqnique. Could you advise me some web server wich could done such simple task? It's very important that I 'd kile to prevent deletion of the my heteroatomic groups after processing of my pdb into that server ( e.g servers like pdb2pqr delete heteroatomic group after processing ). Thanks for help James -- gmx-users mailing list * Only plain text messages are allowed! * Please search the archive at before posting! * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www interface or send it to * Can't post? Read