
 I am using the command:

acpype.py -p prmtop -x S13.rst

to convert Amber system into Gromacs system, but it failed when I try to generate .tpr file:

WARNING 1 [file prmtop_GMX.top, line 19]:
  Too few parameters on line (source file toppush.c, line 300)
WARNING 2 [file prmtop_GMX.top, line 22]:
  Too few parameters on line (source file toppush.c, line 300)
Generated 820 of the 820 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 820 of the 820 1-4 parameter combinations
Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: toppush.c, line: 1166
Fatal error:
Atomtype 3C not found
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

"This Doesn't Suck, It's a Black Hole !" (K.A. Feenstra)

My ligand contains both glycam FF and GAFF parameters from Amber. It is quite strange when I open the generated .top file because there is even no "include "amber99SB.ff/forcefiled.itp" line.... Here is the .top file I got:

; prmtop_GMX.top created by acpype (Rev: 7234) on Sun Dec  9 18:35:28 2012

[ defaults ]
; nbfunc        comb-rule       gen-pairs       fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1               2               yes             0.5     0.8333

[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type     mass     charge   ptype   sigma epsilon       Amb
N3 N3 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.82 0.1700 H H 0.00000 0.00000 A 1.06908e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 0.60 0.0157 CX CX 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 HP HP 0.00000 0.00000 A 1.95998e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 1.10 0.0157 CT CT 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 HC HC 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.64953e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 1.49 0.0157 C C 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 O O 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.95992e-01 8.78640e-01 ; 1.66 0.2100 N N 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.82 0.1700 H1 H1 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.47135e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 1.39 0.0157 3C 3C 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 OH OH 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.06647e-01 8.80314e-01 ; 1.72 0.2104 HO HO 0.00000 0.00000 A 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 ; 0.00 0.0000 2C 2C 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 S S 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.56359e-01 1.04600e+00 ; 2.00 0.2500 CA CA 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 HA HA 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.59964e-01 6.27600e-02 ; 1.46 0.0150 CO CO 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 O2 O2 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.95992e-01 8.78640e-01 ; 1.66 0.2100 C* C* 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 CW CW 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 H4 H4 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.51055e-01 6.27600e-02 ; 1.41 0.0150 NA NA 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.82 0.1700 CN CN 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 CB CB 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 C8 C8 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 CC CC 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 NB NB 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.82 0.1700 CR CR 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 H5 H5 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.42146e-01 6.27600e-02 ; 1.36 0.0150 N2 N2 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.82 0.1700 CV CV 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01 ; 1.91 0.0860 SH SH 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.56359e-01 1.04600e+00 ; 2.00 0.2500 HS HS 0.00000 0.00000 A 1.06908e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 0.60 0.0157 Ho Ho 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.56359e-02 1.25520e-01 ; 0.20 0.0300 Oh Oh 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.06647e-01 8.80314e-01 ; 1.72 0.2104 Cg Cg 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01 ; 1.91 0.1094 H2 H2 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.29317e-01 6.56888e-02 ; 1.29 0.0157 Os Os 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.00001e-01 7.11280e-01 ; 1.68 0.1700 Na+ Na+ 0.00000 0.00000 A 2.43928e-01 3.65846e-01 ; 1.37 0.0874 OW OW 0.00000 0.00000 A 3.15075e-01 6.35968e-01 ; 1.77 0.1520 HW HW 0.00000 0.00000 A 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 ; 0.00 0.0000

[ moleculetype ]
;name            nrexcl
 prmtop           3

[ atoms ]
; nr type resi res atom cgnr charge mass ; qtot bond_type
     1   N3     1   ALA     N    1     0.141400     14.01000 ; qtot 0.141
     2    H     1   ALA    H1    2     0.199700      1.00800 ; qtot 0.341
     3    H     1   ALA    H2    3     0.199700      1.00800 ; qtot 0.541
     4    H     1   ALA    H3    4     0.199700      1.00800 ; qtot 0.741

  7925   Cg   512   LIG    C1 7925     0.509001     12.01000 ; qtot -0.685
  7926   H2   512   LIG    H1 7926     0.000000      1.00800 ; qtot -0.685
  7927   Cg   512   LIG    C2 7927     0.246000     12.01000 ; qtot -0.439
  7928   H1   512   LIG    H2 7928     0.000000      1.00800 ; qtot -0.439
  7929   Oh   512   LIG    O2 7929    -0.713001     16.00000 ; qtot -1.152
  7930   Ho   512   LIG   H2O 7930     0.437000      1.00800 ; qtot -0.715

[ bonds ]
;   ai     aj funct   r             k
     1      2   1    1.0100e-01    3.6317e+05 ;      N - H1
     1      3   1    1.0100e-01    3.6317e+05 ;      N - H2

[ angles ]
;   ai     aj     ak    funct   theta         cth
1 5 6 1 1.0950e+02 4.1840e+02 ; N - CA - HA 1 5 7 1 1.1120e+02 6.6944e+02 ; N - CA - CB

[ dihedrals ] ; propers
; treated as RBs in GROMACS to use combine multiple AMBER torsions per quartet ; i j k l func C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 1 5 7 8 3 0.65084 1.95253 0.00000 -2.60338 0.00000 0.00000 ; N- CA- CB- HB1 1 5 7 9 3 0.65084 1.95253 0.00000 -2.60338 0.00000 0.00000 ; N- CA- CB- HB2 1 5 7 10 3 0.65084 1.95253 0.00000 -2.60338 0.00000 0.00000 ; N- CA- CB- HB3

[ moleculetype ]
  ; molname       nrexcl
  NA+             1

[ atoms ]
  ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name  cg nr  charge mass
    1       IP      1          NA+         NA+       1      1 22.9898

[ moleculetype ]
; molname       nrexcl ; TIP3P model
  WAT             2

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
     1     OW      1     WAT     O      1     -0.834   16.00000
     2     HW      1     WAT    H1      1      0.417    1.00800
     3     HW      1     WAT    H2      1      0.417    1.00800

[ bonds ]
; i j   funct   length  force.c.
1   2   1   0.09572   462750.4 0.09572   462750.4
1   3   1   0.09572   462750.4 0.09572   462750.4

[ angles ]
; i j   k   funct   angle   force.c.
2   1   3   1   104.520    836.800  104.520    836.800
[ settles ]
; i j   funct   length
1   1   0.09572 0.15139

[ exclusions ]
1   2   3
2   1   3
3   1   2

[ system ]

[ molecules ]
; Compound        nmols
 prmtop           1
 NA+              1
 WAT              16028
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