
I am trying to use the Expanded Ensemble (EE) method to compute the free energy 
of solvation of a small organic molecule.

Basically I am playing around but I cannot get the simulations to run.

Here are my EE and free energy settings:

free-energy             = expanded      ; Expanded ensemble
couple-moltype          = C1X           ; Molecule to introduce
couple-lambda0          = none          ; Go from no interactions with 
couple-lambda1          = vdw-q         ; ...to full interactions
couple-intramol         = no            ; Do not decouple internal interactions
init_lambda_state       = 0             ; Start from the first column of the 
lambda vectors
delta-lambda            = 0             ; No increments in lambda 
nstdhdl                 = 100           ; Frequency for writing dH/dlambda
coul-lambdas            = 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
vdw-lambdas             = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
dhdl-print-energy       = yes           ; Include total energy in the dhdl file 
sc-alpha                = 0.5           ; Soft core alpha parameter
sc-power                = 1             ; Power of lambda in soft core function 
sc-r-power              = 6             ; Power of radial term in the soft core 
sc-sigma                = 0.3           ; Soft core sigma
sc-coul                 = no            ; No soft core for Coulomb
separate-dhdl-file      = yes           ; Seperate dhdl files
dhdl-derivatives        = yes           ; Print derivatives of the Hamiltonian

; expanded ensemble variables
nstexpanded             = 100           ; Number of steps between attempts to 
change the Hamiltonian
lmc-stats               = wang-landau   ; WL algorithm to explore state space
lmc-move                = gibbs         ; Decides which state to move to
lmc-weights-equil       = number-steps  ; EE weight updating stops after... 
weight-equil-number-steps = 5000000     ; ...10ns of simulation

; Seed for Monte Carlo in lambda space
lmc-seed                = 1993
lmc-repeats             = 1
lmc-gibbsdelta          = -1
lmc-forced-nstart       = 0
symmetrized-transition-matrix = no
nst-transition-matrix   = -1
mininum-var-min         = 100
wl-scale                = 0.6
wl-ratio                = 0.8
init-wl-delta           = 1
wl-oneovert             = yes

Besides this I use LINCS to constrain all bonds, sd-integrator and a "normal" 
cut-off scheme with a 1 fs time step. 

However, once I try to run the files on the cluster I always end up with LINCS 
warnings and after a few seconds the program crashes due to too many LINCS 
warnings. If I increase the time step to 2 fs I run into problems SETTLE for 
the water. I always start from a nice structure that is taken as the final snap 
shot from a simple 1 ns MD simulation of my system.

What could be the problem?

If I use free_energy = yes instead of EE things work fine. 

Did I perhaps mess up the EE settings or something?

Thanks in advance.


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