> Hello Justin
> Thank you very much for your effort and help. I will try adding new
> parameter corresponding to the errors. Meanwhile just out of curiosity and
> possible need, what should be done in case no matching parameters are
> found for the missing dihedrals? I see that there are 6 fields in the
> dihedrals section of ffbonded.itp. How do we calculate these parameters
> for new dihedrals ?

I wanted to go step by step. I first tried to address the errors 1, 2 and
3. So I added the following dihedrals to ffbonded.itp.

For Error1:
HC     CT     CT     NA      3     -4.09614   5.08775   2.96645  -3.95806 
 0.00000   0.00000
 HC     CT     CT     NT      3     -4.09614   5.08775   2.96645  -3.95806
  0.00000   0.00000 ; amine all-atom

For Error2
OH     CT     CT     NA      3      9.89307  -4.71746   3.67774  -8.85335 
 0.00000   0.00000
N3     CT_2   CT     OH      3      9.89307  -4.71746   3.67774  -8.85335 
 0.00000   0.00000 ; Chi for Ser & Thr

For Error3
CT     OS     CT     NA      3     -5.23000   7.32200   6.27600  -8.36800 
 0.00000   0.00000
CT     OS     CT     N       3     -5.23000   7.32200   6.27600  -8.36800 
 0.00000   0.00000 ; (From wildcard) imidazoles, indoles, purines

I expected this to remove the errors 1, 2 and 3. I took care to keep the
atomtypes order the same. But this doesn't seem to affect the result. I
get the same errors. Any ideas??

> Thank you again
> With regards
> Abhishek
>> On 2/12/13 6:19 AM, Abhishek Acharya wrote:
>>> Hello Justin.
>>> Help would really be appreciated. And yes you are correct and i
>>> thought the same. Initially I tried using opls_345B but it didn't
>>> work. In fact if I use opls_345B it gives me an additional error.
>>> Anyhow here are the relevant files.
>>> topology file:
>>>   #   [atoms]
>>> 15  ;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge
>>> mass  typeB    chargeB      massB
>>> 16       1   opls_445      1    GDP      P      0      1.2596
>>> 30.97376
>>> 17       2   opls_446      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.9034
>>> 15.99940
>>> 18       3   opls_446      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.9070
>>> 15.99940
>>> 19       4   opls_446      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.9275
>>> 15.99940
>>> 20       5   opls_441      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.5156
>>> 15.99940
>>> 21       6   opls_440      1    GDP      P      0      1.2391
>>> 30.97376
>>> 22       7   opls_441      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.8867
>>> 15.99940
>>> 23       8   opls_441      1    GDP     O2      0     -0.8450
>>> 15.99940
>>> 24       9   opls_442      1    GDP     OS      0      0.4846
>>> 15.99940
>>> 25      10   opls_443      1    GDP     CT      1      0.0706
>>> 12.01100
>>> 26      11   opls_140      1    GDP     HC      1      0.0827
>>> 1.00800
>>> 27      12   opls_140      1    GDP     HC      1      0.0827
>>> 1.00800
>>> 28      13   opls_183      1    GDP     CT      2      0.0348
>>> 12.01100
>>> 29      14   opls_185      1    GDP     HC      2      0.0538
>>> 1.00800
>>> 30      15   opls_180      1    GDP     OS      2     -0.4621
>>> 15.99940
>>> 31      16   opls_158      1    GDP     CT      3      0.2388
>>> 12.01100
>>> 32      17   opls_156      1    GDP     HC      3      0.1674
>>> 1.00800
>>> 33      18   opls_154      1    GDP     OH      3     -0.7755
>>> 15.99940
>>> 34      19   opls_155      1    GDP     HO      3      0.4336
>>> 1.00800
>>> 35      20   opls_158      1    GDP     CT      4      0.2713
>>> 12.01100
>>> 36      21   opls_156      1    GDP     HC      4      0.0890
>>> 1.00800
>>> 37      22   opls_154      1    GDP     OH      4     -0.7534
>>> 15.99940
>>> 38      23   opls_155      1    GDP     HO      4      0.4404
>>> 1.00800
>>> 39      24   opls_137      1    GDP     CT      5     -0.0774
>>> 12.01100
>>> 40      25   opls_140      1    GDP     HC      5      0.0594
>>> 1.00800
>>> 41      26   opls_354      1    GDP     NA      6      0.1656
>>> 14.00670
>>> 42      27   opls_353      1    GDP     CK      7      0.1470
>>> 12.01100
>>> 43      28   opls_359      1    GDP     H5      7      0.2255
>>> 1.00800
>>> 44      29   opls_352      1    GDP     NB      8     -0.5913
>>> 14.00670
>>> 45      30   opls_365      1    GDP     CB      9      0.1189
>>> 12.01100
>>> 46      31   opls_366      1    GDP      C     10      0.5578
>>> 12.01100
>>> 47      32   opls_370      1    GDP      O     10     -0.6203
>>> 14.00670
>>> 48      33   opls_361      1    GDP     NA     11     -0.5509
>>> 14.00670
>>> 49      34   opls_367      1    GDP      H     11      0.3354
>>> 1.00800
>>> 50      35   opls_362      1    GDP     CA     12      0.7061
>>> 12.01100
>>> 51      36   opls_368      1    GDP     N2     13     -0.9532
>>> 14.00670
>>> 52      37   opls_369      1    GDP      H     13      0.3790
>>> 1.00800
>>> 53      38   opls_369      1    GDP      H     13      0.3790
>>> 1.00800
>>> 54      39   opls_363      1    GDP     NC     14     -0.5526
>>> 14.00670
>>> 55      40   opls_364      1    GDP     CB     15      0.1142
>>> 12.01100
>>> 225 [ dihedrals ]
>>> 226 ;  ai    aj    ak    al funct
>>> 227    25    24    26    27     3
>>> 228    25    24    26    40     3
>>> 229    24    26    27    28     3
>>> 230    24    26    27    29     3
>>> 231    36    35    39    40     3
>>> 232    21    20    22    23     3
>>> 233    21    20    24    25     3
>>> 234    21    20    24    26     3
>>> 235    22    20    24    25     3
>>> 236    22    20    24    26     3
>>> 237    18    16    20    21     3
>>> 238    18    16    20    22     3
>>> 239    18    16    20    24     3
>>> 240    17    16    20    21     3
>>> 241    17    16    20    22     3
>>> 242    17    16    20    24     3
>>> 243    14    13    15    24     3
>>> 244    14    13    16    18     3
>>> 245    14    13    16    17     3
>>> 246    14    13    16    20     3
>>> 247    15    13    16    18     3
>>> 248    15    13    16    17     3
>>> 249    15    13    16    20     3
>>> 250    13    15    24    25     3
>>> 251   13    15    24    26     3
>>> 252    30    31    33    35     3
>>> 253    12    10    13    14     3
>>> 254    12    10    13    15     3
>>> 255    12    10    13    16     3
>>> 256    11    10    13    14     3
>>> 257    11    10    13    15     3
>>> 258    11    10    13    16     3
>>> 259    32    31    33    35     3
>>> 260    31    33    35    36     3
>>> 261    31    33    35    39     3
>>> 262    28    27    29    30     3
>>> 263    27    29    30    31     3
>>> 264    27    29    30    40     3
>>> 265    34    33    35    36     3
>>> 266    34    33    35    39     3
>>> 267     5     6     9    10     3
>>> The output:
>>> Back Off! I just backed up mdout.mdp to ./#mdout.mdp.2#
>>> Generated 330891 of the 330891 non-bonded parameter combinations
>>> Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
>>> Generated 330891 of the 330891 1-4 parameter combinations
>> You haven't listed what you've done to try to address these (i.e., what
>> you
>> added to ffbonded.itp), so it's still somewhat hard to help.  I will
>> list
>> here
>> the correct order of atomtypes, in the hopes that it helps you match
>> suitable
>> parameters.  Order of atomtypes may matter.  I see that you have an
>> issue
>> with a
>> dihedral of type OH-CT-CT-NA, but you added parameters for NA-CT-CT-OH.
>> In
>> principle, the order should be matched either way, but you may have to
>> list
>> atomtypes in the exact same order.
>>> ERROR 1 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 234]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>> So this one is HC-CT-CT-NA
>>> ERROR 2 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 236]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>>> ERROR 3 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 251]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>>> ERROR 4 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 252]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>>> ERROR 5 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 259]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>> O-C-NA-CA
>>> ERROR 6 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 260]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>> C-NA-CA-N2
>>> ERROR 7 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 261]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>>> ERROR 8 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 265]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>> H-NA-CA-N2
>>> ERROR 9 [file p2gout_GDP.itp, line 266]:
>>>    No default Ryckaert-Bell. types
>>> ERROR 10 [file p2gout.top, line 28]:
>>>    Invalid directive molecule
>> Easily fixed by using the right directive name - [molecules], not
>> [molecule].
>> -Justin
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Program grompp, VERSION 4.6-beta3
>>> Source code file: /home/agent47/gromacs-4.6-beta3/src/kernel/grompp.c,
>>> line: 482
>>> Fatal error:
>>> No molecules were defined in the system
>>> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
>>> website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Thank you
>>> With Regards
>>> Abhishek Acharya
>>>> Dear Gromacs Users.
>>>> I generated a topology file of GDP for OPLSAA force field using MKTOP.
>>>> But
>>>> on running grompp I got a list of No default Angle types and No
>>>> default
>>>> Ryckaert Bell. types error. So this time i manually assigned the
>>>> appropriate atom types by looking up the atomtypes.atp file and
>>>> managed
>>>> to
>>>> come down from 24 errors to 9 errors. All the errors correspond to
>>>> missing
>>>> dihedrals only. I notice that these missing dihedrals are concentrated
>>>> around two specific region of the structures which are the Pyramidine
>>>> ring
>>>> of Guanine and the bond connecting the C1 atom of ribose and N9 atom
>>>> of
>>>> the imidazole ring of Guanine.
>>>> So i have a two part query:
>>>> 1. I had assigned the atom types for the Guanine part of GDP from the
>>>> already defined atom types for Guanine in the library. Is it not then
>>>> surprising to get 6 missing dihedrals for the pyramidine ring
>>>> considering
>>>> the fact that Guanine is already parameterized ? Am i wrong in this ?
>>>> 2. In an effort to remove the missing dihedral errors related to the
>>>> C1-N9
>>>> region it tried to manually add the missing diherals to the
>>>> ffbonded.itp
>>>> file.
>>>> I noticed one of the missing dihedral was: OH-CT-CT-NA
>>>> (O2'-C2'-C1'-N9).
>>>>   So i added the dihedral entry as:
>>>> NA     CT     CT     OH      3     16.73600 -16.73600   0.00000
>>>> 0.00000
>>>>   0.00000   0.00000
>>>>   based on an already defined dihedral:
>>>> NT     CT     CT     OH      3     16.73600 -16.73600   0.00000
>>>> 0.00000
>>>>   0.00000   0.00000.
>>>> But the error corresponding to this dihedral remained on re-run.
>>>> Is there anything wrong with this ? Do i need to edit some other
>>>> related
>>>> files.
>>>> I am very new to gromacs. Kindly help as I'm stuck.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Abhishek Acharya
>>>> M.Tech
>>>> Structural Biology Lab
>>>> Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Department
>>>> Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
>>>> --
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>> ========================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>> Research Scientist
>> Department of Biochemistry
>> Virginia Tech
>> Blacksburg, VA
>> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
>> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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