On 3/21/13 10:20 PM, 라지브간디 wrote:
Dear gmx users,

I am MD simulation for heme ligated protein where i given all bond and angle, 
dihedral information in topology file created by pd2gmx ( gromos43a1).

However, i do not know how to interpret the proper and improper dihedrals in 
topology file? I have looked over the .rtp file and found that gromos mentioned 


[ impropers ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al   gromos type
    C2    N1    N3   NA2     gi_1
   NA2  HA21  HA22    C2     gi_1
    N3    C2    C4   HA3     gi_1

But the the parameter  I use from literature where its in charmm and amber 
format as they mentioned the torsions like following way.

CPB-X-X-CR1E    90.0   0.0
CC - X-X-NB       18.3     0.0


How do i use this improper to utilize in gromos?

Every force field has small differences in format. Look at ffbonded.itp for 43A1 and you will see #define statements that correspond to bonds (gb_*), angles (ga_*), etc. Those macros just mean "substitute this information here." It's shorthand. So either you can introduce a new definition in ffbonded.itp or just type the parameters in manually according to the format specified in the manual.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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