On 3/27/13 5:12 PM, Peter Eastman wrote:
I'm implementing a TOP file reader, and I have a question about an ambiguity in 
the format.  The [ pairs ] block lists atom pairs that should be handled 
specially (exclusions and 1-4 interactions).  In addition, the gen-pairs flag 
can indicate that pairs are generated automatically.  But all the files I've 
looked at include BOTH of these things, and I'm not sure how to interpret that.

Can I assume that all pairs generated by gen-pairs are already included in the 
list, or might I have to generate additional ones?

Can I assume that all pairs listed in the file where generated by gen-pairs, or 
might there be additional pairs that came from somewhere else?

What if the two definitions disagree with each other, and the [ pairs ] block 
lists different parameters for a pair than would be generated automatically?  
Which should I use?

The presence of [pairs] is not dependent upon gen-pairs, but the parameters utilized by those pairs are. All force fields deal with 1-4 interactions in some way, but the manner in which they do so is different. For instance, in Gromos96 parameter sets, the gen-pairs keyword is set to "no," and all pair interactions are looked up from the [pairtypes] directive in ffnonbonded.itp, whereas for other force fields (OPLS, AMBER), the pair interactions are simply calculated according to normal combination rules with fudge factors (i.e., gen-pairs set to "yes"). CHARMM uses a hybrid approach wherein some pairs are set in [pairtypes], but anything not listed there is generated.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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