Not sure exactly what merging together means, for visualisation I generally use vmd as this supports gromacs files directly.

Your problem might be to do with, using rlist, rcoulomb, and rvdw set to 0 is not the standard way to do an infinite cut-off normally you set them to -1 as in the manual.

Also the AMBER force field was parametrised with a cut-off it might, depending on what you are trying to do, be advisable to use the cut-off specified in the original papers and the wider literature for the AMBER force field.


On 02/07/13 10:07, Shine A wrote:

       I did a 10 ns  REMD simulation for a peptide, 8 replicas using amber
force field.Then extracted pdb file from the trajectory and clustered using
g_cluster. The I viewed the average structure of the cluster in pymol .But
here the atoms are merged togather.why it happends?Is there any problem
with my force field? My md.mdp file as follows.

  constraints         =  none
  integrator          =  md
  dt                  =  0.001   ; ps
  nsteps              =  10000000 ; 10000 ps = 10 ns
  nstcomm             =  10
  nstcalcenergy       =  10
  nstxout             =  500     ; frequency to write coordinates to output
  nstvout             =  0       ; frequency to write velocities to output
  trajectory; the last velocities are always written
  nstfout             =  0       ; frequency to write forces to output
  nstlog              =  1000         ; frequency to write energies to log
  nstenergy           =  1000     ; frequency to write energies to edr file

  vdwtype             =  cut-off
  coulombtype         =  cut-off

  pbc                 =  no

  nstlist             =  0
  ns_type             =  simple
  rlist               =  0       ; this means all-vs-all (no cut-off), which
  gets expensive for bigger systems
  rcoulomb            =  0
  rvdw                =  0

  comm-mode           =  angular
  comm-grps           =  system

  optimize_fft        =  yes

  ; V-rescale temperature coupling is on
  Tcoupl              =  v-rescale
  tau_t               =  0.1
  tc_grps             =  system
  ref_t               =  376.32
  ; Pressure coupling is off
  Pcoupl              =  no
  ; Generate velocites is on
  gen_vel             =  yes
  gen_temp            =  270
  gen_seed            =  -1

  ; Implicit solvent
  implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
  gb_algorithm        =  Still ; HCT ; OBC
  nstgbradii          =  1
  rgbradii            =  0   ; [nm] Cut-off for the calculation of the
Born radii. Currently must be equal to rlist
  gb_epsilon_solvent  =  80    ; Dielectric constant for the implicit
  ; gb_saltconc       =  0     ; Salt concentration for implicit
solvent   models, currently not used
  sa_algorithm        =  Ace-approximation
  sa_surface_tension  = -1

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