On 08/05/2013 01:54 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:

On 8/5/13 7:44 AM, Joerg Sauter wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to compute the free energy of hydration for cellobiose (a beta (1-4) glucose dimer) using BAR in Gromacs 4.6.1. However, I encounter a problem.

I find that the vacuum conformations of the molecule in a regular vacuum
simulation differ from the conformations in the decoupled simulation in the free
energy case i.e., with the additional mdp entries:

free-energy              = yes
init-lambda                 = 0
couple-lambda0           = none
couple-moltype           = solute
couple-intramol          = no

Here is a histogram of the dihedral angles of the glycosidic linkage in
the vacuum case
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70358077/reg.pdf (it stays in the global
free energy minimum)
and this is the decoupled free energy case (same starting conformation in the
global free energy minimum)

I understand that Gromacs replaces the intramolecular interactions with explicit
interactions. Therefore, I had to increase table-extension but that did not change much. I was thinking that maybe this could be a problem specific to this topology (a GLYCAM06h conversion from Amber), however, I do not see how this can
I hope someone has an idea what is going wrong.

mdp file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70358077/md.mdp (same behaviour
for longer runs)
top file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70358077/cellob.top
gro file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70358077/cellob.gro

This is sort of a minimal example. The same problem occurs
in a regular simulation when decoupling from water using multiple lambdas.

Have you tried running with rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw = 0 rather than 99? If nothing else, I would try again with version 4.6.3. There have been tons of fixes to the free energy code since 4.6.1, though I don't know offhand which, if any, would be affecting your results. Regardless, the current version should always be the "best" version ;)


Hi Justin,

I just tried it with version 4.6.3. and rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw = 0. Unfortunately, I get the same results.

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