Dear Justin

I'm simulating gold nanoparticle interaction with protein by OPLSAA forcefield. 
I'm confused for selection an ensemble for my md run. I did energy minimization 
by NPT . then I did the MD by NVT. I did it because of studying of two paper 
that were similar to my project (Adsorption of histidine and 
histidine-containing peptides on Au(1 1 1):A molecular dynamics study by Zhen 
Xu, Shi-Ling Yuan and Interaction of b-Sheet Folds with a Gold Surface by 
Martin Hoefling, Susanna Monti, Stefano Corni).

But in manual and tutorials of gromacs  is proposed energy minimization should 
be done by NVT and NPT and then MD should be done with NPT ensemble.
in your idea should  I repeat my MD run by NPT ensemble? what is the difference 
of my result  between this two?

thank you

Fatemeh Ramezani
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