I have an XO-1.5 with OLPC OS 12.1.0, which is derived from Fedora.  
The Fluendo mp3 decoder works for mplayer.  When a movie is opened, 
Gnash starts but then complains 
"Gnash Error MediaHandlerGst::CreateAudioDecoder:Couldn't 
find a plugin for audio type audio/mpeg! -- 
no available flash decoders for codec 10 (Advanced Audio Coding)". 

Closing that window reveals another with this message. 
"Gnash Error Couldn't find a plugin for video type video/x-h264! 
Please make sure you have gstreamer-ffmpeg installed." 

Is this a problem with Gnash configuration or with the decoder or with 
a plugin or with something else?  Any suggestions for a fix?

Thanks,         ... Peter E.

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