El vie, 11-09-2009 a las 11:44 +0200, Sam Geeraerts escribió:
> Luis Felipe Lopez Acevedo schreef:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I wrote a draft of the document about gNewSense that is part of the
> > documentation team projects[1] and I'd like to ask if you could revise
> > it and comment about it.

Thanks for the feedback, Sam.

> * Introduction:
> - "find out what gNewSense is"
> * What is gNewSense:
> - The screenshots image is a bit big. I need to use all of my 1024 
> pixels in screen width to not have the image overlap the table of 
> contents. Wouldn't one of the screenshots suffice?

Right, I'll change that.

> - I feel a bit uneasy about mentioning Windows and the likes, although 
> you make it clear that they are non-free. It helps some people to get 
> the idea of what an operating system is. But when they read this, they 
> would've already booted into gNewSense, so I'd guess that they would 
> already see that it's similar to Windows.

Well, the idea is to have this information in the wiki too, so people
could be reading in a Web browser, in other operating system. I really
don't see any harm in mentioning those names.

> * Why Free Software
> - Including the article is a good idea. But note that it's licensed 
> under GFDL no invariants, which is incompatible with CC-0 of the entire 
> document.

Then I'll use the same licenses we use for the content in the wiki.

> Thanks for writing this, keep up the great work. Sorry for not 
> responding sooner, I wanted to be thourough rather then quick.

Thank you.

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