Hello all,

This is a list of the most recent changes in the Documentation project:

* Added a short list of guidelines for documentation contributors[1]
* Created a project for each document in the List of Projects[2]
* Created a wiki group for each document in the Documentation Set[3]
* Put together the Test-drive and Installation Manual[4]

Most of the manuals have content and they are already usable except for
the gNewSense Manual and the Customizing Manual. Defining a structure
for the former should be the next step, I think. The Customizing Manual
can wait.

I think that the Documentation Set is ready to be linked from the
Documentation link in the main menu of the website. I'd like to write to
the users list asking people to join the Documentation team and start to
improve the documentation. I hope the new structure will ease the
process a bit.

For the old documentation list[5] I'd suggest to add a note as the

«Obsolete. The content of this page has been reorganized in a new
Documentation Set. Please do not add new content to this page.»

I have relocated almost all the content of the Documentation group and
the wiki home page, but I'll read again to be sure that I didn't left
anything behind.

Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Thanks in advance.

1. http://wiki.gnewsense.org/DocumentationTeam/Guidelines
2. http://wiki.gnewsense.org/DocumentationProjects/DocumentationProjects
3. http://wiki.gnewsense.org/DocumentationSet/DocumentationSet
4. http://wiki.gnewsense.org/InstallationManual/InstallationManual
5. http://wiki.gnewsense.org/Documentation/Documentation

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