Karl Goetz wrote:
>    * Changed the notice in debian/copyright regarding the right to
>      distribute modified binaries, now blessed by Mark "Just Because
> I'm A CG Genius Doesn't Mean I'm Not A Stubborn Arsehole" Kilgard.
> (Closes: #131997)
> I wonder if this means we can also distribute glut under the same terms
> (since hes said thats what was intended), or if we need to be careful
> with it too.

What makes you think that distribution under the same terms is not possible?

I quote from [1]:

|| Would it be possible for you to just make it absolutely clear that
|| everyone's allowed to use, copy, and modify (and distribute their
|| modifications) of libglut?

|| Just quoting the above and replying "Yes, that's fine" or similar
|| would be
|| okay.

| Yes, that's fine.

It clearly says "everyone". But perhaps that's not what you're thinking


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=131997#71

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