Wu Zhangjin wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 13:28 -0500, Daniel Clark wrote:
> [...]
>> *** I'm not sure why this got changed from being builtin to being a
>> module; it may have been automatic. If it doesn't matter either way I
>> don't care which one metad goes with.
> Sorry, It can not be loaded automatically currently, So, it's better to
> compile it into the kernel.
> no problem with the other options.
> Regards,
>       Wu Zhangjin

Thanks; I fixed this in -fsf3. It was just my error it was changed in
the first place.

I hope next round I won't even have to compile a fsf/rms-specific linux :)

FYI with the above modules compiled in, built-in video camera (tested
with cheese), external USB audio devices work fine. Keyboard seems to
work fine, but before we were seeing problems that only happened
long-term after suspend/resume cycles. Still need to test some other stuff.

Daniel JB Clark   | Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation
pobox.com/~dclark | http://www.fsf.org/about/staff#danny

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