On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 15:45:53 -0500
cristian paul peñaranda rojas <p...@kristianpaul.org> wrote:

> There is a bug  about an ad-hoc replacement for syndaemon that works without
> synaptics driver on Yeeloong [1]
> There is a aplha package of the neurodaemon based on synaptic driver,
> so please get the files [2] compile on yeeloong and test,
> sorry i cant compile on my side due my lemote still dead :(
> i'll try make a mipsel chroot or something at weekend
> for get a binary, or send me one :)

Could you please s/neurodaemon/syndaemon/g in the hard-coded help document in 
the (modified) syndaemon.c?  (Yes, I should not have hard-code the name of the 
program in the document :-( )

Ziro <c...@taku2ro.dyndns.org>

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