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Graziano wrote:
> Karl Goetz ha scritto:
>> On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 21:41:50 +0000
>> Paul O'Malley - gnu's not unix - <omp...@eircom.net> wrote:
>>> the faq needs updating
>>> a lot of the tenses need to be updated to reflect the new leader
>>> things like that
>> yay, more typing :/
>> kk
> I can take care of this but I didn't understand what I need to change.

Maybe already changed things (I can't view history without www
permissions.  Bug?), but I don't understand what is specific to this
note either.  I can see a few things that ought to be changed, however.
 Some of the things in this list are included more for the sake of
making all possible suggestions at once, rather than spreading them out.


Item 1:  Debatable, and I can see reasons for both options, but since I
am writing suggestions for the FAQ, if I were to be writing it from
scratch, I would put screen names following real names, and put the
screen names in parentheses.  This one may be for Karl to decide.

Item 2:  I suggest that the last sentence should be changed to the

Ubuntu was chosen as the starting point because Paul was an Ubuntu member.

Item 3:  Consider changing the last line to:

(GLX was re-introduced upon completion of a license change in the
beginning of 2009)

Item 5:  It appears that someone didn't complete the change to reflect a
definitive pronunciation.  "is preferred" should be removed from the
end, if there is now a standardized pronunciation.

Item 6:  -The FSF provide...   +The FSF provides...

Item 7:  I might change this to "You can get support by joining our
Community or reading our wiki."  Mention of the forum is (I think)
redundant, because it is mentioned in the Community page, and last I
recall there was discussion on whether or not to keep the forum.

Item 13:  Change the commas at the end of the first two points to
periods, or if you prefer, full stops:)
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