On 13:39 Sat 23 Jan     , Daniel Clark wrote:
> If this is wrong then I feel gNewSense (a Debian-based GNU/Linux
> distribution) might as well spend the time to make a n32 ABI /
> loongson2f / loongson2f as bug fixes variant of gNewSense now, rather
> then waiting on the Debian work in that area [1].
> [1] create a mips 3 port for Debian : update 20091025
> http://sandyleo26.wordpress.com/2009/10/25/create-a-mips-3-port-for-debian-update-20091025/

Honestly, I have not heard from Liu Sha for some time.
I sent an email to him, too.

Hopefully, he could reply soon.

Zhang, Le

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