I have a version question:

Current beta version (3.0 metad) is using a (very old) 1.4.2 version of
the xorg server. It makes very difficult to have the patches of SM
driver working, because they need xorg server patched too and this patch
and drivers are for the 1.7 version.

Even Networkmanager 0.8 will need some updated libraries to compile and
both nm and xserver-xorg working properly will make FSF endorse
gNewSense on Yeelong.

Any idea of how it can be solved ?

 |   ,           ,                                          |
 |  /             \                                         |
 | ((__-^^-,-^^-__))    Octavio Rossell Tabet               |
 |  `-_---' `---_-'     octa...@gnu.org.ve                  |
 |   `--|o` 'o|--'      http://octavio.gnu.org.ve           |
 |      \  `  /         irc.gnu.org.ve #gnu                 |
 |       .:  :.         Usuario de GNU/Linux: 278860        |
 |       :o_o:          Huella: FC69 551B ECB9 62B0 D992    |
 |        "-"                   BE57 B551 2497 C78B 870A    |

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