On 04/09/2010 03:50 PM, Richard Stallman wrote:
> When I do rfkill unblock wifi,
> the network manager does not notice that I have done that.
> I have to turn networking off and on again; then it notices.

According to

For NM 0.8, yes, as long as your driver is correctly implemented.  NM
will get the uevents from udev and do the right thing without any extra
effort on your part.

For NM 0.7, HAL is still used for rfkill and NM polls the HAL objects
periodically for rfkill status.  So if you're still using NM 0.7 in
these builds, you may also need to make a few "callout" scripts that
check the value of /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state in response to the
HAL callout.

Current gNewSense metad on mipsel uses 0.7 network-manager, so it looks
like maybe we need to add the callout scripts.

Squeeze uses 0.8, so testing that with recent rtl8187b wifi drivers so
we can report a bug to Wu / Linux developers / loongson-dev if it
doesn't work would be good; cc:ing Bernie since he has squeeze on his
yeeloong (from when he was working with X), so I think should be able to
test this easily.

Daniel JB Clark | http://pobox.com/~dclark | Activist; Owner
   FREEDOM -+-> INCLUDED ~ http://freedomincluded.com
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