At Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:51:13 +0930,
Karl Goetz wrote:
> hi all,
> I've changed the layout of our security and volatile repositories.
> I'm also uploading an updated python-apt, which should be aware of the
> changes.
> This means:
>  - if your sources list looks for security updates on a line ending like
> this:
>  gnewsense-security metad main
> it will be broken. the new format is
>  gnewsense-security metad/updates main
> See the next points :)
>  - software-properties-gtk works
>  - if you have an existing sources.list, s-p-g will probably put all
> existing entries under 'third-party software'. empty your sources.list
> manually, or delete the entries with s-p-g and you should be good to go.

I emptied my sources.list and ran s-p-g, and checked Core software
(main) and Source code.  When I press Close button, s-p-g prompted to
update information, but it failed because it tried to download from,
which is our old repository.  My s-p-g version is 0.60.debian-2gns1.

> I built packages for i386/mipsel, so they will be available on the next
> archive run (in ~11 hours).
> kk

Ziro <>

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