g...@gns-gns:~/builder$ df -h
S.ficheros            Tamaño Usado  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/sda5              72G   55G   14G  81% /
varrun                506M  104K  506M   1% /var/run
varlock               506M     0  506M   0% /var/lock
udev                  506M   60K  506M   1% /dev
devshm                506M   12K  506M   1% /dev/shm
lrm                   506M   38M  469M   8%
gvfs-fuse-daemon       72G   55G   14G  81% /home/gns/.gvfs

and gparted tell me i have 17 free gigabytes on my ext3 partition (i only
have this partition: i use all my hard disck of 80 Gb for the builder)

Sorry, my estimate of the numbers in the error message were wrong. The needed space expressed in a sane unit is around 50 GiB. Builder used to link the Ubuntu mirror to the gNewSense one, but that line has been commented out in revision 256. I don't know why (Karl, any thoughts?). This means that reprepro wants the copy the whole mirror. So instead of taking up around 50 GiB it will take up 100 GiB.

Delete the "#" in front of this line in gen-repo and try again:

# cp -aul $MIRRORLOCAL/* $REPODST/ schreef:
 i followed your builder: i downloaded all the repository main and
 universe of hardy correctly using your tutorial:

when i do on console:  ./do-update , file began to work,

NOT ENOUGH FREE SPACE on filesystem 0x805 (the filesystem
'/srv/gnewsense/gnewsense/db' is on)
available blocks 3526204, needed blocks 12882185, block size is 4096.

how to solve this? i cannot go on because this bug. I have enought
on my hard disk.
Is /srv/gnewsense on a separate partition? Maybe you have enough space
in total, but not enough space on that one partition. Check the output
of "df -h" in a terminal.

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