At Sun, 13 Jun 2010 21:58:32 +0200,
Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> > I've added Gnash tarball to the Builder to avoid putting the whole unpacked
> > source tree in there. To unpack it, I've used the "patch" target of the
> > debian/rules file, which conforms to the Debian Policy Manual, I suppose:
> > 
> > "This target performs whatever additional actions are required to make the
> > source ready for editing (unpacking additional upstream archives, applying
> > patches, etc.)."
> My current struggles with have made me a bit skeptical 
> about tarballs in source packages. I'm not a fan of binary diffs in VCS 
> either. But as long as its the unmodified tarball from upstream and it 
> works, I'm not going to be difficult about it.

I've chose to put it unpacked right because it's an unmodified upstream
tarball and it can be treated as a "constant" (it compiles fine in the
gNewSense and I doubt it have any freedom bugs, being a GNU project). The
gnote package is a tarball in the Builder also (however, it uses cdbs). I can
make Gnash unpacked easily, if you want.

> > The newly generated repo works fine for me.
> My build attempt didn't go too well:
> checking for moc-qt4... /usr/bin/moc-qt4
> checking for uic-qt4... /usr/bin/uic-qt4
> checking for kde4-config... no
> checking for KDE 4.x header path... configure: error: You specified 
> building kde4, but you have kde3 installed!
> make: *** [config-stamp] Error 1
> dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

OK, I'll check it tomorrow.

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