At Tue, 22 Jun 2010 22:14:56 +0200,
Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> > <...>
> > + reprepro --ignore=missingfile -Vb /srv/gnewsense/gnewsense include 
> > deltah-security 
> > /srv/gnewsense/tmp/hardy-security-i386//srv/gnewsense/tmp/vlc_0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.3gnewsense1_i386.changes
> > Data seems not to be signed trying to use directly...
> > .changes put in a distribution not listed within it!
> > To ignore use --ignore=wrongdistribution.
> > There have been errors!
> > <...>
> I did get this error with your ccache changes (tested with apt instead 
> of vlc). I had USECCACHE=0 in config.local, though. I then reverted 
> those changes (going back to my overrides commit from yesterday) and 
> then it ran without a problem again (apt was added to deltah-security).

I've just found out that my ccache patch was the reason of the problem! I've
fixed it and pushed into ccache-support branch.

> I haven't really analyzed this yet. It could be that my overrides commit 
> is guilty in this too. Did you pull that in and run that yet?

Not yet.

> > I think this is because of db file corruption: vlc's "debian/changelog" and
> > "vlc*.changes" have "deltah" as a distribution and it's all right.
> They should have "deltah-security".

Yes, you're right. That's because appropriate RELEASE (and VERSION) wasn't
passed to gen-vlc, because of my patch :-)

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