On Wed, 2010-07-07 at 23:46 +0200, Sam Geeraerts wrote: 
> Kip Warner schreef:
> > Hey lists,
> > 
> > I'm a developer working on the Avaneya project, a cerebral sci-fi for
> > GNU that takes place on Mars. Although the project is a while away from
> > completion, some of you might be interested to know that we plan a
> > gNewSense port for a variety of hardware, including mipsel. We have
> > some hardware from the kind folks at Lemote to help this happen. This
> > is important to us because we value freedom.
> > 
> > Game website:
> > https://www.avaneya.com
> Interesting. Specifically targeting the Yeeloong is great, too bad 
> gNewSense doesn't have the video driver yet.

Hey Sam. You're right. It's dreadfully slow and glxgears brings it to
its knees. However, I also heard through the grape vine that that will
possibly be fixed this year for the Yeeloong.

> Your FAQ says multiplayer mode will be (non-gratis) SaaS, which makes me 
> a bit sceptical. Good luck with the project, nevertheless.

So far there have been hundreds of people signing up for the mailing
list, so I am not worried. To me, the important thing is that it remains
free software. In the case of a game, it is very difficult to have it
free as in freedom and free as in free beer when people expect
professional level work that is difficult to get strictly volunteers to
work on. There are a lot of volunteers as well, of course. I find the
strictly volunteer based model works well for a great deal of software
genres, but professionally developed games seems to be one that it
doesn't work well on in my experience.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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