On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:58:21 +0200
Cato Auestad <bleakgad...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Will there be introduced a newer version of glibc in gNewSense metad
> repo for mipsel anytime soon?
> As far as I am able to tell, the current version of glibc is
> libc6-mips64_2.7 (which, I think, is over 3 years old),
> which does not have support for setcontext, getcontext etc.

Not until we switch to squeeze. Libc is not a small thing to try and

> I was able to pull off a unstable 2.11.x version of glibc from Debian
> MIPSel repo on my FuLoong, so I
> can compile Racket (Scheme-based language interpreter/compiler) - who
> need setcontext and getcontext
> to be able to work. However, I would love to be able to run Racket on
> gNewSense also.
> I saw that Graziano had some posts about getcontext in glibc on the
> loongson-dev mailing list but seem to
> have recieved very little attention from the participants about the
> issues.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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