
in the psutils package the License from the original author states

"The included files, md68_0.ps and md71_0.ps (and their uuencoded forms) are
(to the best of my knowledge) copyright Apple Computer, Inc."

Indeed in /usr/lib/psutils in the gnewsense package (deltah) there are those 2
postscript files, without any copyright notice or hint where they come from.
Even the author of psutils doesn't seem to be sure.

Unless proven otherwise, I think we must consider those two files as non-free.

I wanted to mail this list first, to hear your views about this
before opening a bug report.

Technical, those files are used by fixmacps(1), which  "fixes" PostScript 
generated from a Macintosh PC that it works correctly with  psutils package 
(according to manpage).



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