On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:49:45 +0300
Lars Nooden <lars.cura...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Debian "Squeeze" has now been frozen.
> Excellent!
> Is there a document that shows the steps to be taken and how us
> earlier bystanders can begin to add?

No, i dont think there is.
If someone feels like helping with the drudge work, going through
debians RC bugs list (looking or non-free issues), and checking if
which of the issues on the libreplanet software to avoid list are
resolved would help.

> Regards,
> /Lars

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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