It seems I have been mistaken in my message from may, 10th 2010

"However, the e-Reader InLibroVeritas Opus stands out not only for its
portability (with the standard USB mass storage, thus compatible with
Microsoft, Mac, [GNU/]Linux and others), but also by its lack of DRM
and its free [GNU/]Linux-based firmware."

In fact, this reader supports the following DRM formats: ePUB and
Mobipocket (see,
`What are the formats supported by the Opus?'). It is possible to read
a normal PDF, txt, html file though.

"I browsed licenses in the source code and all is under GPLv2 or
GPLv2+ ;)"

Yes, all GPL code is GPL... But now, you have to register to see this
code (see Is that
a GPL violation?
Moreover, this ebook also uses proprietary software to
read PDF and ePUB files: Adobe(R) ePUB/PDF Reader (see, `Specifications').

Sorry for those mistakes guys,


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