On Jul 10, 2011, Christophe Jarry <christophe.ja...@ouvaton.org> wrote:

>> Newer builds of all Linux-libre minor releases since then expanded the
>> number of drivers enabled for broader plug-in hardware compatibility,
>> and one of the changes I made along with that was switching to libata.

> Ok, thanks for the info. BTW, is this expansion the reason why my wireless
> interface name has changed from "wlan0" with to "wlan1" with the
> 2.6.37?

Uhh...  Could be.  For some time I had both rtl8187b.ko and rtl8187.ko
enabled, and this may have caused a difference somehow.  In 2.6.39 (and
.38?)  rtl8187.ko works fine, so I disabled rtl8187b.ko; earlier kernels
are the other way round, so only rtl8187b.ko is enabled.  You can adjust
the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to make it
wlan0 again; the comments in there might shed light on why it changed.

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter    http://FSFLA.org/~lxoliva/
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