Irving Rivas wrote:
Nevertheless, it makes more sense (to me) if the redirect is from the page
with the English address to the one with the non-English access. That way,
when someone is editing the site in English, they know where to link
( instead of Main.en), and if someone is navigating the site in
Spanish/whatever language, they can make better sense of the address
they're located in.

What do you think?

I think the URL doesn't matter a whole lot to most people. (That's probably why recent IceCat versions show it less prominently.)

The English page names should exist in any case for the default language links to work. Native page names are just something extra you could provide. Some people might find them annoying and cryptic (i.e. URL encoding).

English is the lingua franca on the wiki, so it's more obvious to see what's going on there (i.e. RecentChanges) if pages with English names are edited.

The default language links always point to the English page names. If the redirection would be from English to native, those would always lead to annoying redirect URLs. So I suggest you keep the actual text on the page with the English name and redirect to there from the native name.

I think other MoinMoin based wikis generally also use a level with the language code and the English page name. Translating page names is the exception rather than the rule.

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