Hi all,
(Apologies for cross posting, but this is general information)

When the site comes up I'll post an explanatory news item, but I'll
include it here for now so everyone is aware.

Hi everyone,
Sorry about the unexpected outage. The FSF have been
[[https://identi.ca/group/fsfstatus moving equipment around]], and doing
some host renumbering at the same time. Unfortunately, I
[[http://www.fsf.org/blogs/sysadmin/gnu-fsf-servers-are-moving missed
the announcement]], so everything has simply vanished on us.
The sysadmins have brought the gNewSense hosts back up, and we are
waiting for DNS to start propagating and making all services
available again. 

I'll reply to the dev list only with specifics of the move.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK7FOSS)
No, I won't join your social networking group

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