r. siddharth wrote:
Karl Goetz wrote:

It "Just" requires someone to follow up with every image contributor on
the wiki and ask them to relicense.

I can take up that work. So how do I go about it ?

Search for attachments and external links to images on the website. As far as I know, Moinmoin doesn't have convenient special pages that can help with that. Luckily, (text) searching for "attachment" does find pages with links to attachments (plus lots of false positives). You can look for relevant external links with search terms like "regex:http.*(png)".

List the artwork you found on a wiki page to keep track of copyright holders and relicensing status. That way, other people can join in (or take over if needed).

Thanks for picking this up.

Are we compatible FSF's position ? -- when images are used to illustrate an article, then the images & the article is a single work (thus the image gets licensed under the GDFL implicitly).

Yes, it makes sense and I see no reason to question their judgement.

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