
Just a user here -

On 15/07/12 14:41, rsiddharth wrote:> I installed gNewSense 3.0 alpha1.
The installation apparently went
> smooth. But when I re-booted my computer to start the newly installed
> system, GRUB threw up an error -- "Error 15" and stalled. I am not
> really sure what is the problem.

You're using GRUB Legacy, so perhaps an ext4 support issue? I did a
quick internet search, and it looks like GRUB Legacy has to be patched
to support ext4.

You could just use a Live CD of another distro to install GRUB2 instead.
Just mount your partition and do
# grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda

(I've done this before, but I can't verify the correctness of it - I'm
not an expert!)

Andrew Roffey

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Olympic games? The correct name is the "Corporate Games".

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