On Wednesday 15 August 2012 10:32 PM, Sam Geeraerts wrote:

I am not sure. To connect to the Internet, I just switch ON the modem.
In gNewSense 2.3 (which I was using before) the notification icon did
show that "the computer is tethered to the Internet", this not true
anymore with gNewSense Parkes alpha 1.

Could you make a note to remember to test this again when Parkes is in
beta stage? I'd like to reserve Parkes related bug reports for things
like freedom bugs and serious boot problems caused by our changes with

Sure, I'll do that.

I think we have, inadvertently, found a bug in here. In the "Software
Sources" dialog (accessible from System-->Administration-->Software
Sources) when I "check" the 'DSFG-compatible Software with Non-Free
Dependencies (contrib)' & 'Non-DSFG-compatible Software (non-free)',
they are not "checked". Now, when I open my '/etc/apt/sources.list'
file, I see this line:

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze contrib non-free

I ran a "apt-get update". I get the error that I previously mentioned
before. Now, if I ran "apt-cache search adobe", I get :

flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound - Adobe Flash Player platform support
library for Esound and OSS
flashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin

Please report a bug for it. I believe we patched software-properties-gtk
in Deltah for a similar reason. Anyone who wants to investigate this
further has my full blessing and encouragement. :)

I have submitted the bug[1]

[1]: https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?37124

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