Hey list!

I've finally finished my penance on RHEL derivative, so now I can
hopefully focus on gNewSense ;)

Here are some $(while true; do echo -n "really, "; done) minor
modifications to two of GNOME packages:

1. gnome-desktop - there were incorrect distributor/vendor name set to
   Debian. I changed it to gNewSense. Sources for modified package can
   be obtained with: 

   dget http://cyfr0n.c0.pl/gns/parkes/gnome-desktop_2.30.2-2gnewsense1.dsc

2. epiphany-browser - it started with www.debian.org and missed
   gNewSense bookmarks. Fixed that and changed browser identification
   string, so now it does not introduce itself as "blah blah Debian squeeze
   blah" but says something like "blah blah gNewSense parkes blah"
   instead. Here are URLs for the sources:


If there are any problems with above, just shout ;)

Happy hacking!
Marek Buras
cyfr0n (at) go2.pl

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