On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 08:10:06PM -0500, Felipe Lopez wrote:
> I'm currently working on Galaxia 0.8.0 (there's a specific branch for it).
> Here's
> a summary of the changes made so far:
> * Updated licenses information to be compliant with Savannah:
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/.
> * Moved detail usage information from README to docs.
> * Moved website theme usage information from "website-theme/README" to docs.
> * Made blue the default color for Website theme.
> * Updated GDM3 theme to display full logo and not just the isotype.
> * Changed online documentation to http://galaxia.rtfd.org/.
> + Added README with instructions on how to use the documentation locally.
> Any graphical change can be seen in the documentation for this version:
> http://galaxia.readthedocs.org/en/0.8.0/

Thanks for the details. 

So it's better to wait until this 0.8.0 version is ready and then update our

Marek Buras
cyfr0n (at) onet.pl

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