Op Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:45:05 -0400
schreef Lev Lazinskiy <l...@levlaz.co>:

> I want to play an active development role in gNewSense , this will 
> require some learning on my part. Based on the role description on
> the gnewsense dev page....
> "*Skills you possess or want to learn*
> Python, C, bash, GNU tools, DEB/Packaging, Bugfiling"

Awesome! I suggest you first have a look at our bug reports [1] and our
packaging guide [2]. Then start hacking on any of the bugs that interest
you and submit patches to this list. We'll happily answer your
questions here or in #gnewsense-dev.

Also remember that gNewSense builds on Debian and its upstream
projects, so if you have a particular itch that you can scratch there
then please do. Any improvements to them will flow into gNewSense.

Happy hacking!

[1] http://bugs.gnewsense.org/
[2] http://www.gnewsense.org/Packaging

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